I'd like to find some of my old friends and maybe make some new ones to! I'm not a fool and please don't think I'm going for any B.S. If your a MySpace Player please don't stop here It's a waste of your Time... If your Picture is 20 years old and you are 60 pounds larger don't lie about it. I'm not the guy I was 20 years ago and I'm 40 pounds larger, but my pictures are new! I DELETE People that seem Dishonest Pretty Fast... Music Video: LAYLA (LIVE) (by Eric Clapton)
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Good with Pretty Much Everything, Some Rap's pretty bad, but I like Music so I listen to it. Texas Music is Top's!
I was in the Army so I (Don't) like many War Movies, O.K. with World War 2 and back but not to good with anything newer. I'm a guy so I like SciFi and Action.
H.B.O.+ History Channel,CSI,Bull Riding on Versus,A.B.C.'S Nighttime soap's are pretty good. But I never miss Boston Legal its a funny Show!
I like History and Western book, don't have the time to read many anymore, but have a couple around when I do!
What's a Heroe anyway? Sometimes it's may Son and others it's may friends. A good person is a heroe in these times..
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