Sean McCloud started this band in Bloomington Indiana, with the spelling Moe. Members included Matt Whittaker (Belgian Waffles) and Sara Lund (Unwound).
When Sean moved to Chicago, he teamed up with more former bandmates from his Bloomington days -- Neil Hoying who he had played with in Mailbox Harry and Cyndi who he had sung with in Eleneki.
Mike Bulington was an old friend of Sean's who never played drums before but has gone on to play with Mr Rudy Day, Kelly Hogan, and Grimble Grumble, to name a few.
Six songs posted here are from a session from 1992, referred to as the Hit City Sessions, is the only one with this lineup. Ten songs were recorded.After Sean moved away for grad school, John Barrile joined on bass and the band recorded two EPs: Braggart and Suffer, their last recording, made in 1993 at Idful. Songs from those two sessions will be posted once I can transfer DATs at the proper speed.