I am a girl. Once I sat on the floor and ate with my hands. If I were to kill someone, I would do it this way: I would sew each of their orifices shut with beading thread and watch what happens. I think about monkeys a lot.
Once KALI had destroyed all the demons in battle, she began a terrific dance out of the sheer joy of victory. All the worlds began to tremble and sway under the impact of her dance. So, at the request of all the Gods, Shiva himself asked her to desist from this behavior. However, she was too intoxicated to listen. Hence, Shiva lay like a corpse among the slain demons in order to absorb the shock of the dance into himself. When Kali eventually stepped upon her husband she realized her mistake and put out her tongue in shame.
Your Personality Is Like Heroin
You're capable of the highest highs and the lowest lows.
Addicted to feeling good, you'll do almost anything to avoid pain.
People seek you out, even though you can be quite moody. They're hooked on you!
What Drug Is Your Personality Like?