HOBBIES--- 1st, TAKING CARE OF MY BABY BOY, hehe...(sUrFiNg tHe nEt...TakiNg PictUrEs...computers...watching T.V..eating ( a Lot )....sleeping..(i rily need a lot of sleep now coz of my baby, lagi aQng puyat,hehe) INTERESTS---- bungee jumping,, scuba diving,, travel everywhere,, more exciting things to do,, more adventure,,
Rn'B sOnGs.....PoP....LovE sOnGs...hiP hOp....rAp...sLow.. ( iT dEpEnDs oN mY mOoD.. )
blood in blood out..troy..pitch black..50 1st dates..my sassy girl..if only..get over it..the grudge..the ring..infection..shutter..premonition..kill bill..40 days & 4o nights..the passion of the Christ..the pacifier..wedding singer..wedding crashers..monster-in-law..flash back..a walk to remember..cradle to the grave..2 fast 2 furuios..the fast & the furious..I-robot..the day after tomorrow..shaun of the dead..twister..u got served..speed..miss congeniality..kung pow..the phone..
PiMp mAh RidE...pUnKeD'... JKX.... WWE.... MYX.....HBO....dAviD bLaiNe.... MemOriEs oF BaLi... OnLy yOu... ArT AttAcK....aMbuSh mAkE-OvEr...tOtaLLy SpiEs...MirmO...DORA,hehe
talking with God, Our Daily Bread, magazines, FHM, METRO, Smart Parenting, Working Mom, mOm & Babies
my mom of course for raising me all through this years. LOvE yOU mOm!!! mwah!!!