Horror punk!
Frankenstein Drag queens. The cryptkeeper five. The crimson ghosts. Samhain. Mister Monster. The Other. The killcreeps. Maniac spider trash. Pitch Black. The undead. The spook. The monsters. Balzac. Bloodsucking zombies from outer space. Noctune. TSOL. AFI (old). The independants. Ghoultown. Alkaline trio. Calabrese. Blitzkid. Vampire love dolls. Aiden. Electra kill. graveyard boulevard. Misfits. Trash light vision. Zombina and the skeletones. I like much more types of music than this... but nothing quite compares to horror punk in my opinion. I also love Faith no more, Dragonforce, Firewind, Cathedral, Biffy, HIM... the list goes on and on.
Amelie. Freaks. Romper Stomper. A clockwork orange. Battle Royale. The Shining. 12 monkeys. Plan 9 from outer space.. Dawn of the Dead "78. Day of the dead. Night of the living dead. 28 days Later. Phantasm 1, 2 and 3(phantasm 2 is the reason I cant drink liquids I cant see through and gave me a dislike of milk). Chopper. Evil Dead. The hills have eyes(original) A.I. Evil Dead 2. Pulp Fiction. American History X. Most horror B-movies pre 1970, they are great fun.
The shining. A Clockwork Orange. 1984. Mein Kampf. The Master Margarita. Anything by Terry Pratchet. Dreamcatcher. Anything by Dan Brown, Angels and Demons especially. All the "Chopper" books. Animal Farm.