I have the best band ever! Rich (guitar): One of the nicest people on the whole planet and by far one of the best guitar players I've ever heard. When he's not on the road with his other band (Frank Black and the Catholics), he loans his time to me. What a guy! Steve (drums): Steve Latanation is borrowed from my favorite punk band ever, Agent Orange. I met this guy on the road with Joshua Black Wilkins and knew I had to have a "piece of that"! He's also a super guy and has really great hair! OI! Ed (bass): This guy has been with me from the start. A blues man by trade, Ed Cain earns a living playing with a veritable cornucopia of artists.
I guess it's important that I mention that I was on Nashville Star Season 1. If I don't, all of my people will post comments with embarrassing pics that won't make any sense! Don't judge, I do what I have to do. I'm not very good at self-promotion, so... Just come see a show. I play a lot of them. If anything, it will be worth it just to see Rich's new glasses!
.. CDBABY LINK for TASHA VALENTINE: Live. Less Ordinary. --http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbu
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