Member Since: 5/26/2006
Band Members: Kevin AKA Ozzy Osbourne:Singer
X-Tina 666:Lead Guitar/Back up vox
WANTED:Bass/Back up Vox
Monkey??:Rhythm and Back up Vocals
Sounds Like: Ozzy/Black Sabbath
Ozzy and the Suave Cats
Ozzy and the Red Raccoons
Ozzy and the Reaper
Ozzy is the Grim Reaper
Holy Man Ozzy Osbourne
Satanic Man Ozzy Osbourne
Prince of Darkness Ozzy Osbourne
The Devil Himself Ozzy Osbourne
Satan AKA Ozzy Osbourne
Ozzy and the Men in Tights
Ozzy: Man, Father, Ass
Killed a Man Named Ozzy
I Died an Osbourne
Artist Formerly Known as Ozzy
Prince(Of Darkness)
Cradle of Osbourne
Avenged Ozzy
Record Label: none