Ozzy & The Sluts {On Hiatus Till summer?} profile picture

Ozzy & The Sluts {On Hiatus Till summer?}

About Me

Well, heres the story on how the band was created. There were a few people who were HUGE followers of Ozzy Osbourne and they were listening to his music one night namely NMT(the best song ever). Well Cristina started to play the song on the guitar and had an idea....we should summon Ozzy. So we gathered a few materials such as candels, a lock of his hair, and a virgin to sacrifice. So we drew a pentagram on the floor and put the candels at all the corners. We took Sharon off the street(Because we thought who would have sex with her) and put her and the hair in the middle and started to sing the most holy of the Ozzy songs No More Tears. Tears started to pour from the ceiling and the room started to rumble. Ozzy rose from a portal to hell that was created from the souls of all that had tried to destroy him. He came out with an evil look on his face, the kind that would make you die if you stared at it long enough. Anyway, he spoke with great power and said "Who dares summon me without the proper offering of a virgin! You must pay for the horrible deed you have done to me!". He looked for someone in the room to take to his castle that was made from his sacrifices. "You! The one that I call my lover. You will come to me to my home and service me for the rest of my life, and the rest of you shall have to die and lie in the perils of the place where light never comes.". Cristina asked him if there was anything that they could do to repay him for the terrible mistake they had made. "Hmm. You shall create a band that will pay tribute to me and my teachings. For this will make me even more powerful than I am now. But for you Cristina, you have short time in this. I shall be back for you to claim the rest of my payment." Cristina said, "Oh thank you glorious demon. I shall come to you so the rest may be spared." Ozzy then returned back to hell and so he rests to this day. Now, for the rest of our lives, we must give him power and work to make him stronger. Never will we rest until this is done. And so began the greatest Ozzy tribute band ever and will be for the rest of time...

My Interests


Member Since: 5/26/2006
Band Members: Kevin AKA Ozzy Osbourne:Singer

X-Tina 666:Lead Guitar/Back up vox

WANTED:Bass/Back up Vox

Monkey??:Rhythm and Back up Vocals

Sounds Like: Ozzy/Black Sabbath Ozzy and the Suave Cats Ozzy and the Red Raccoons Ozzy and the Reaper Ozzy is the Grim Reaper Holy Man Ozzy Osbourne Satanic Man Ozzy Osbourne Prince of Darkness Ozzy Osbourne The Devil Himself Ozzy Osbourne Satan AKA Ozzy Osbourne Ozzy and the Men in Tights Ozzy: Man, Father, Ass Killed a Man Named Ozzy I Died an Osbourne Artist Formerly Known as Ozzy Prince(Of Darkness) Cradle of Osbourne Avenged Ozzy
Record Label: none

My Blog

What song would u like to hear?

What song would you like to hear from us first? Dirty Women Ironman Paranoid Mama I'm coming Home Mr.Crowley NIB(View Results)Create a Poll
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jan 2008 16:15:00 GMT