1995, and Dubstar first appeared as Steve Hillier, Chris Wilkie and Sarah Blackwood. Born of smoky bars, seedy basements clubs and debauched house parties, Dubstar released their debut album 'Disgraceful' to amazing critical and commercial success across the world. There were tours, television, top of the pops and many tantrums...
...And suddenly it was 2000. Nine hit singles, three hit albums, and a belated 'Best of...' compilation later, Dubstar paused for an extended break. Nothing happened for a long, long time.
But now, in 2008, Dubstar is returning with something new. But it's not about nostalgia, nor sexless posturing, not even about the synthesizers and keyboards that dominated the 1990s and sound so tired now. Instead, Dubstar have done something else, something fresh, something...very Dubstar. So standby, this is going to be interesting…
Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
February 2008