Hi, my name is Ashley and I am 23 years old. I live in Battle Creek Michigan. I just had a little boy named Connor, he is adorable. I love him to death. He was born June 19, 2006 at BCHS. His stats are 8 lbs 14 oz. He is perfectly healthy and we thank God for him everyday! His Dad is Shannon and he is the best dad in the world! I enjoy sports and having fun! I really enjoy going to Pistons games. The best game that we went to was when the Pistons beat the Indiana Pacers for the Eastern Conference Championship to go to the finals against LA. I enjoy spending time with my family! Shannon asked me to marry him on Valentines Day at the Pistons game!!!!!!! (he already kinda asked me on Christmas). The ring is so beautiful and we are planning for June of 2008.
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