My thoughts My feelings..I'm J-rod. I used to live in Clark, NJ. Now I live in Chandler, AZ. I played bass in a band called 2000 Years of Seaweed. I'm straightedge. I'm vegetarian. I have sideburns. I believe religion tears the world apart. I Hate big t-shirts. I shave on Sundays. I clean my ears on Thursdays. I like squishy balls. I like smiley faces. I work at Jubilee Frozen and make sick messes. I don't make friends. I find friends. I look in every mirror. It takes me forever to cash checks. I like to write poems and songs. I don't show anyone my poems or songs. I think coffee is disgusting. I don't pay attention in school. I drink a lot of water. I don't pay attention in life. I collect Curious George stuff. I always loose all my neopoints in Jub Jub blackjack. I'm addicted to buying cds. I always drop my food on my pants. I crack my toes when I become frustrated. I don't have a role model. I spend thanksgiving alone. I enjoy going to the moon with a super cute girl.