music, movies and sports, i love all of them expecially the giants i live and die giants baseball.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
I am what I create
Believing in my fate
Integrity is my name
All that I am doing
Can never be ruined
My song remains insaneEye For An EyeGot to watch my back
Got let my heart
Belive one day I'll fly...
To reunite the tribe
To find a better way
Fucking envy changes everythingI hit the bottom
You don't understand
To be born again
Arise again
I believe is the only way...
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what do you have i listen to everything valla ice got it, spice girls, that too artillery hell no cuz SOMEONE won't give me the demo mmmmmmmmm.pluginspage=" aPlayer/" Name="MediaPlayer" src="" AutoStart=true ShowStatusBar=100 volume=100 HEIGHT=18 WIDTH=240>..
caddy shack, bio dome any thing with adam sandler, anything with jim carrey and of corse major leqague 1,2,and 3 therte is so much more cuz i am tom lincoln
wtf is a book???? ohh that what you rest your beer on and roll blunts on i get it ..This profile was edited with MySpace Profile Editor MySpace Profile Editor
claude wilson and my father