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This layout is from; get yours today!I am NOT a dog! I am a sweet little girlin a very CUTE and FURRY dog suit! Mybirthday is October 17, 2005 so I justcelebrated my first birthday. I live with myMommy & Poppy, my Uncle Dinky (he's a 11year old poodle), my new Shih-Tzu Sissy Sassy,a big white long-haired PSYCHOTIC cat namedTemon, and a 30 year old, three-legged femalecalico cat named Fidget. Mommy says Fidgetshould be in the Guiness Book of WorldRecords! Fidget lets me play with her andlick her ears. Temon chases me sometimes andthen I chase him back. He's a very strangecat. He uses the bathroom in Mommy and Poppy'sbathroom. He just doesn't know how toflush because he doesn't have thumbs.I was born in Little Rock, Arkansas atAuntie Karen's house and my parents droveall the way from Southern Illinois toadopt me. I sleep in Mommy and Poppy's bedand have ever since the very first night Icame to live with them. I weighed lessthan two pounds then. I've not made amistake in the bed at all. I used to lickMommy's ear when I needed to get down todo my business but now Dinky and I have areally tall set of foam steps so we canget up and down from the big bed all byourselves. Mommy says I weigh just alittle over four and one half pounds now and I'mreally a big girl because I can go up anddown the steps to the back deck all bymyself too! I love running in our fenced-in back yard and smelling all the prettyflowers.I love to play, play, play!!! I have agreat big toy box brimming over with allmy favorite toys. Uncle Dinky didn't knowhow to play with toys when I came here,but he is slowly learning to play with me.I have to "chew" him into playingsometimes!I like to nap with Mommy andplay with her in her bed. Mommy has beensick and just had surgery the first ofMay. Sometimes she doesn't feel likeplaying with me in the play room so wejust play on our great big bed! I modeldoggy clothes, bling-bling, sunglasses,shoes and bows on the internet. Mypictures appear in a lot of places. Check myblog posts for addresses to some of thosesites. Most of all I love spending time withmy Mommy, Poppy, and all of my human brothersand sisters. We like to travel and Mommy saysI'm quite the little traveler. I have myown luggage and carseats and I likevisiting new places. I also like making lotsnew friends. When Mommy gets better we'regoing to meet other Maltese furbabies herein town for playdates. Up to now I'veonly met some furbabies at my PuppySchool. Most of them were much biggerthan me, except for one Cavalier namedSadie. We were just about the right sizeto be good friends.FANCYPANTS
Fis forFun
Ais forAlluring
Nis forNice
Cis forClever
Yis forYummy
is for
Pis forPure
Ais forAmbitious
Nis forNeat
Tis forTender
Sis forSerious What Does Your Name Mean?