Josh of Assed out of China would like to thank first and foremost John Madden for creating the greatest game ever, target for sellling madden 3 days earlier than everyone else and for selling TBS cd's for 7 bucks instead of 15, the makers of heineken for getting me drunk on a daily basis also patron tequilla and jagermeister for getting me hammered laptop computers for making it possible to be online while i sit on the can, c-man for talking to me while im on the can..and calling me while hes on his, da gilb for taking me to work..fucky for giving us all free porn (rip free porn), duff for reminding me how stupid i am everyday, the dodgers lakers kings and raiders for giving me shit to watch on tv..well until the play offs start and they're not in it, pardo for pumping my stomach full of the highest amount of alcohol in the history of the world,then making sure i didnt die when the blood puking started, wigger keith for letting me kick his ass at poker del taco for being open at 2am and having breakfast burritoss with no sauce add french fries, jeebus of course..just cuz u kick ass at everything, Eric karros for hitting the most homeruns in LA dodger history,.people i dont like; teeny boppers at punk shows, the asshole security guard and fat fucker who got me fired, "grown ups" hahaha... vatos dad ..and the number one person on earth i hate BARRY FUCKING BONDS well thats it for now, check back later
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