...très FaBienne!! profile picture

...très FaBienne!!

i call him poppa cuz he takes goOOOod care of the babbi!

About Me

I created my own profile using nUCLEArcENTURy.COM and you should too!Janet Jackson - Runaway

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You scored as Mya. Woohu!! Youre a Mya!! You believe that happiness doesnt have to come at a cost. You always try your hardest at everything you do and you would even risk your life to make your family happy. You go girl!!








Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
created with QuizFarm.com
You Belong in Paris
Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth. What City Do You Belong In?
You Can Hang With the Guys and the Girls
You've struck a good balance between girlie and laid back.
You can keep it casual but when you dress up, you are as girly as the next girl. How Girlie Are You?
You Are a Fun Girl!
You are all about having fun - and you don't need to drink to have a good time
Sure, you've thrown back more than a few every so often
But getting totally stupid and wasted is not your style
You're the life of the party, by keeping everyone laughing and smiling Are You a Party Girl?
Your Element is Fire
Your power color: red

Your energy: hot

Your season: spring

Like a fire, you are full of power and light.
A born leader, you easily draw people toward you.
You are full of courage and usually up for anything dangerous.
You have a huge ego and love to be the center of attention. What Element Are You?
You Are Low Maintenance
Otherwise known as "too good to be true"
You're one laid back chica - and men love that!
Just remember that no good guy likes a dormat.
So if you find your self going along to get along...
Stop yourself and put up a little bit of a fight. Are You High Maintenance?
Your Aura is Yellow
Your Personality: Life's too short not to have fun. Your bright energy brings joy and laughter to those around you.

You in Love: A total flirt, you need a lot of freedom to play. But you'll be loyal to that one man who makes you feel safe.

Your Career: You love variety in a job, and you probably won't stick with one career. You would make a great professor, writer, or actress. What Color Is Your Aura?
Your Gemstone is Amethyst
Dignified, impressive, and wise.
You have a deeply spiritual soul What Gemstone Are You?I've been blissed to have many heroes. My mother for beeing so smart and classy. My aunt TT I know I cant always talk to you, about anything at anytime. My best friends Samika Moody, Shawntee' Kornagay and my partner in crime Beverly Johnson...My grandma 'sug' I miss you so much it hurts I didnt think I could make it without you but you showed me to be strong and keep moving. Everyday I know your heart is near, I love you! Last but truly not least my husband Kenny, you always got my back and no matter what happens... if life does pull us apart, i will always love you, you are my better half! To everybody that has inspired me to be better dream bigger and live my life the best way i can for me and my family and to everybody that has ever used me or hurt me called me names talked about me behide my back, I thank you! Thank you for giving me something to reach for, and an example of what I dont want to be. you can hate it or love it baby!
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My #1 show is friends! i dont know why but i just love that show. I feel the same way about Good Times, i could watch good times for hours and hours! Then America's Next Top model and for the past 8 years i have been watching what has the be the most stupid soup in the world "Passions". I know its stupid but I have giving 8 years for my life to this show and i cant just walk away now!
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Get this video and more at MySpace.com


Which do you like?
thongs, boxers, granny panties: thongs
sandles or sneakers: sandles
cookies or cake: cookies
When I sleep I like...
the room to be hot or cold: cold with a big blanket
to have clothes on or be nude: la buff
dream in color or black and white: in surround sound and HD
hug a pillow or a person: person unless they sweet in their sleep
the t.v. on or off: off
"music sings me to sleep" or "turn that shit off!": slow jamz a little dru hill, boyz II men,Jamie Foxx, Luther, the list goes on
If you had 2 choose...
Mario or Chris Brown: mario
hot or cold: make it hot
red or blue: red
jazz or blues: jazz, r&b
Oprah or Ellen: oprah (sometimes she gets on my nerves)
Top Model or American Idol: top model
short or long hair: depends on the person
Do you think..
Its better to have loved and lost than never have loved at all? not 2 have loved
The chicken was before the egg, or the egg before the chicken? i dont know i was not around 2 c
People think you are as cute as you think you are? i hope so
When was the last time you
told your mom you love her: today
ate good food: hmm, i dont know
sang a song, & what was the song? today, my favorit song in the world AS- STEVIE WONDER
I'm smart because... i c things diffent from others
You want to be my friend because I love my friends like they r fam
I wasted my time on this surveys because the cables out
You scored as Mya. Woohu!! Youre a Mya!! You believe that happiness doesnt have to come at a cost. You always try your hardest at everything you do and you would even risk your life to make your family happy. You go girl!!








Which girlfriend are you?(from the hit tv show girlfriends)
created with QuizFarm.com
You Belong in Paris
Stylish and a little sassy, you were meant for Paris.
The art, the fashion, the wine, the men!
Whether you're enjoying the cafe life or a beautiful park...
You'll love living in the most chic place on earth. What City Do You Belong In?
You Can Hang With the Guys and the Girls
You've struck a good balance between girlie and laid back.
You can keep it casual but when you dress up, you are as girly as the next girl. How Girlie Are You?
You Are a Fun Girl!
You are all about having fun - and you don't need to drink to have a good time
Sure, you've thrown back more than a few every so often
But getting totally stupid and wasted is not your style
You're the life of the party, by keeping everyone laughing and smiling Are You a Party Girl?
Your Element is Fire
Your power color: red
Your energy: hot
Your season: spring
Like a fire, you are full of power and light.
A born leader, you easily draw people toward you.
You are full of courage and usually up for anything dangerous.
You have a huge ego and love to be the center of attention. What Element Are You?
You Are Low Maintenance
Otherwise known as "too good to be true"
You're one laid back chica - and men love that!
Just remember that no good guy likes a dormat.
So if you find your self going along to get along...
Stop yourself and put up a little bit of a fight. Are You High Maintenance?
Your Aura is Yellow
Your Personality: Life's too short not to have fun. Your bright energy brings joy and laughter to those around you.
You in Love: A total flirt, you need a lot of freedom to play. But you'll be loyal to that one man who makes you feel safe.
Your Career: You love variety in a job, and you probably won't stick with one career. You would make a great professor, writer, or actress. What Color Is Your Aura?
Your Gemstone is Amethyst
Dignified, impressive, and wise.
You have a deeply spiritual soul What Gemstone Are You?I've been blissed to have many heroes. My mother for beeing so smart and classy. My aunt TT I know I cant always talk to you, about anything at anytime. My best friends Samika Moody, Shawntee' Kornagay and my partner in crime Beverly Johnson...My grandma 'sug' I miss you so much it hurts I didnt think I could make it without you but you showed me to be strong and keep moving. Everyday I know your heart is near, I love you! Last but truly not least my husband Kenny, you always got my back and no matter what happens... if life does pull us apart, i will always love you, you are my better half! To everybody that has inspired me to be better dream bigger and live my life the best way i can for me and my family and to everybody that has ever used me or hurt me called me names talked about me behide my back, I thank you! Thank you for giving me something to reach for, and an example of what I dont want to be. you can hate it or love it baby!
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Have you Ever...?
Played Spin the Bottle?: yea
Toilet Paper someone's house: yea
Played Poker with money: nope
Gone swimming in a white T-shirt: nope
been tickled so hard you couldn't talk: yea
like someone but never told them: yea
went camping: yes and i had so much fun
had a crush on your broher's friend: yeah
walk in the rain without an umbrella: yeah it fun (but only if you can get your hair done after)
told a joke that NObody thought was funny: yeah
been in a talent show: yeah
started laughing at someone's bedtime: it depends on how old they are
worn somthing your mom didn't appove of: haha what do you think
been to a nude beach: haha yeah and we joked on this fat guy!
drank jack daniels: yeah
cursed in a church: shhh!! dont tell nobody!
been called a slut for kissing someone: not 2 my face
burnt yourslef with a curling iron/straightner: yeah many times
wanted to be a police officer: no
dumped someone: yeah but it was 4 a good reason
been hit on by someone too old: it seem like old guy are the only ones that like me sometimes. (it would be great if i liked them 2)
wanted to be a model: yeah
bought lottery tickets: nope
made out in a car: yeah i was very young
cried during a movie: all the time
wanted something you couldn't have: all the time ;(
had sex on the beach: no but i came close once,
had the drink sex on the beach: yeah therrrrrrr greattttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!
seen someone shoplift: hahaha yeah
hung up on someone: yeah
yelled at you pet: ohh no, thats mean
bought a thong when the casheir was a guy: whats the big deal, its not like he never saw one
tried to strip when drunk: yeah i fell and hit my head
gotten seasick: nope
had a stalker: no
played a prank on somone that had them really scared: lol yea, my mom is so easily scared!!!
been embarassed by one of your family: when i was little, but my family is crazy so you just gotta suck it up.
felt bad about eating meat: no, i love food
protested: yeah
been to an island: yeah
been in love: yeah
ate jus because you were bored: no
looked at something everybody thought was ugly and said "aww": yeah, a few of my boyfriends
Screamed in a library: nope, y...never mind
Made out with a stranger: no...i knew him at least an hour before ;)
Been Dumped: yeah
Wished a part of you was different: yeah
asked a guy to dance: yeah
been asked out by a really hot guy: yeah
laughe so hard ou cried: yeah (this survey is a waist of my time)
went up to a complete stranger and started talking: yeah
been sunburned: nope
kicked a guy in the nuts for being a pervert: nope
threw up in school: nope
recieved an anonymous love letter: yeah
had to wear something you hated: yeah
been to a luau: yeah
say your ex and wanted to kick his ass: what, i dont understand the question.
cursed in front of your parents: yeah
been in a commerical on tv: nope
watched a movie that made you miss your ex: yeah
been out of the country: yeah
been honked at by some guy when you were walking down the sidewalk: yeah,
won at pool: nope, i suck @ pool
went to a party where you were the ony sober one: yeah
went on a diet: nope, but i know some people that should think about goin on one. you knwo who you r!!!
been lost out to sea: no
cheated on your bf: yeah, i wish i had not
been cheated on: yeah
tanned topless: no
been attacked by seagulls: no
been searched in an airport: yeah
been on a plane: yeah
been pants-ed: no
thown a shoe at someone: yeah
broke someone's heart: i dont think so, i hope not
sung in the shower: all the time baby, of should i say alllllllll the timmmmmmeeeeee!!!!
bought something way too expensive: yeah
done something really stupid that you still laugh about: yeah hahaha
been walked in on when you were dressing: yeah, but i dont think it was a mistake
ran out of a movie theatre because you were too scared of the movie: yeah, but then i came back in
been kicked out of the mall: no
ben mean to someone then instantly wanted to take it back: yeah
been given a detention on the worst day that you could get one: no
done something stupid when you were drunk: yeah
fell off your roof: no...y would i be on the roof?
pretended you were scared so you could cuddle up with someone: yeah, and i works
had a deer jump in fron of your car: no
threated someone witha water gun: yeah
Can you....
Unwrap a starburst with your tounge: no
sing: no, but i do anyway
open your eyes underwater: yeah
eat whatever you want and not have to worry: yeah, but its still good to be healthy
ice skate: no but i came close once (and i had a great time, even though u dont wanna tell nobody i kicked your ass on the go cart)
sing in front of a crowd: no
whistle: yeah
be a bitch at times: yeah
do thirty pull ups: no
walkin in really high heals: yeah all the time
eat super spicy foods: yeah
skateboard: no
sleep with the lights on: yeah
mulititask: yeah
touch your nose with your tounge: no
fall asleep easily in the car: yeah
do the cotton eye joe: what?
play ddr and not fall: what?
surf: no
fit in your locker: i dont have a locker
do a split: kinda
taste the difference between pepsi and coke: yeah
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