Running, biking, hiking, camping, and anything involving mother nature! Always look forward to trying something new and exciting! Exploring! OUTDOORS!
People who are not afraid to be REAL and HONEST about everything in their past and present. Life is a precious journey and no matter what...there will always be a lot of folks that will dislike what we are, what we do, what we say, and what we feel and our way of thinking as we progress onto becoming who we are meant to be - just BE REAL! People who carry positive energy and embrace life's challenges with an open mind. Life is REAL - breathe it and just BE! Enjoy, embrace, forgive and let go.
Alernative, Jazz, Easy Rock and definitely DISCO and DANCE music!
Independentn filsm! Mystery, drama, some comedy. Some action movies but not where it involves too much fighting and/or blood. Mostly though...i like to watch non-fiction and also documentary films.
Forensic Files, Body of Evidence,In 48 Hours,KG on D-list,Lisa Williams, discovery channel,history channel, soccer games a plus, and a tinsy bit of Lifetime Channel on a relaxing Saturday! LWord!
Too many to name right now...
Mi Abuelita