If you work hard you get rewarded, if you take short cuts you get cut short!

About Me

Hello out there. I'm Markeda from North Myrtle Beach,sc. I currently reside in Atlanta,Georgia. I am in a relationship with a wonderful person and have been for about 2 years now. I don't have any kids and I really don't want any. Don't get me wrong children are a blessing but I love my life the way it is. I am a very hardworking woman, just trying to make in the thing we call a world. I am a very expressive, meaning that you will always know what is on my mind, whether it be through body language or verbally. The song on my profile usually depicts how I am feeling at the current moment, that is why it changes so much. I am a God-fearing person and I consider myself to be a somewhat spirtual person. I recongize and appreciate all of the things that my God has done for me and will continue to do for me in the future. For you people who don't believe you better get yourself together! I am a great person to be around and I am somewhat of a comedian...LOL.. I try not to be so serious about stuff. Life should be fun. And it is for me!!! Well, folks that's about it. If you want to know anything else about me you are more than welcome to send me a message. I'll Holla!!
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A 121 Question Myspace Survey
Name: markeda
B-Day: january 5
Age: 23
Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: brown/black
Height: 5'5
Best Feature: eyes
Shoe Size: 8.5 or 9
Ring Size: 7
Addictions: i looovve kids
Pets: none
Piercings: none
Tattoos: none
Nickname: keda
Car: 2001 gmc jimmy
Parents still together: no
Siblings: my sister kaneeka and my brother brandon
Live with Parents?: no
Favorite/Most Important
Feature of the opposite sex: chest and arms
Spot to be kissed: a lady never tells
Sports Team: atlanta falcons
Holiday: new year's day
Alcoholic Drink: none
Non-Alcoholic Drink: sweat tea
Quote: when you get where you're going never foret where you came from
Lesson Learned: never jugde a book by it's cover
Thing a friend has done for you: helped me see that most things that peoplee do are not intentional and you have to learn to forgive and forget and move on.
Thing you have done for a friend: told her not to open the door for the "crazy lady" haha
Baby names (girl): sorry no kids for me
Baby names (boy): and same here
Ben & Jerry's Flavor: chocolate brownie
Starbucks Drink: i don't like starbucks
Season: fall
Have You Ever
Wished on a star: yes
Been in love: yes, i'm in love now
Been out of the country: no
Talked on the phone all night: yes, who hasn't
Bungee jumped: yes
Driven cross-country: no
Had surgery: no
Been told you might die: no
Told someone you love them: yes, all the time
Wished you HAD told someone you loved them: no
Asked someone out: i tried, it didn't work out to well
Kissed someone (made the first move): yes
As a child, had a skip-it: i don't remember
What about a sock-em-bop: of sourse who didn't
Kissed the same sex: that's gross
Gone out in public with you PJ's on: yes, several times, gotta keep it country
Laughed so hard that a liquid came out of your nose: no, what kind of fluid comes out of you nose
Had sex in a car: i'll never tell
Past Relationships
Who is the person you last broke up with: i 'll just say his initials are j.h
How long did you date that person: about 3.5 years
Was it love: i thought it was
Did you have sex with them: heeeyyy! stay out of my business
Were they older/younger: older
Were they shorter/taller: taller
Have you had other boy/girlfriends?: i guess
Any you wish you could talk to: no
Any you hate: i'll say his initials are j.h
Current Relationship
Do you have a boy/girlfriend: yes
Where did you meet: memorial day weekend, myrtle beach,sc
How long have you been together: about 2 years
What is your anniversary date: february 17th
What is his/her full name: orlando c.
Were you attracted to them from the first moment you saw them: of course my baby is fine
Do you trust him/her: yes
Have you cheated on him/her: no, i have no reason to
Is it love: yes
What's his/her favorite meal: rice, cabbage, roast beef with carrots,onions,and potatos
What's his/her favorite band: he doesn't have a favorite band, but he is always singing crazy songs that he makes up himself
High School
Public/Private: public
Best Friend: didn't have a best friend
Boy/GirlFriend: j.h
Job: i had several
Prom Date: no date for junior year but senior year j.h
Best Memory: walking across that stage
Worst Memory: thinking i wasn't going to graduate because of a fine that i hadn't paid in the library
Graduate(?): of course class of 02
Leave a virgin: heeeyyy, your still in my business
Away/Commute: commute at hgtc
Best Friend: no best friend, i had several friends
Boy/girlfriend: j.h for a little while
Major: early care and education/human services
Job: home health aide
Greek?: none
Graduate(?): 04'
Leave a virgin: none of your bizwacks!
This or That
Strawberries/Blueberries: starwberries
Meat/Veggie: veggie
TV/Movie: movie
Hugs/Kisses: hugs
Guitar/Drums: drums
Chinese/Mexican: chinese
Day/Night: day
Cheerios/Corn Flakes: cheerios
Snickers/MilkyWay: neither i'm on a diet
Gold/Silver: silver
Black/Brown: brown
Elvis/Beatles: elvis
Sprinkles/Icing: neither
Cookie/Donut: cookies if they are by weight watchers
Cake/Pie: neither
Coke/Pepsi: diet pepsi
am: fabulous
thought: i saw a putty tat, haha i crack myself up
need: to go get dressed for work
want: to stay home today
love: orlando c.
hate: hate is such a strong word
wish I was: retired
will always: love me some orlando c
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My Interests

singing, exercising,I have really developed a passion for children

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to reconnect with people from school that I haven't seen or spoken to in a long time.


gospel, r and b, and you know that atlanta music that you only know about if you live in atlanta


I have to say that I really don't have a favorite movie. But I do have some that I watch over and over again. Liek The Color Purple, Major Payne, all the Friday movies, Player's Club, and of course all Tyler Perry movies and plays.


Law and Order, Deal or No Deal, 1 vs 100, The Closer, The First 48, mostly invetsigative shows and game shows


All Zane Books, David Bach: Start Late, End Up Rich, Suze Orman: Make The mOst of The Money You Earn.


My mother for overcoming some many obstacles to make a life for us. Everything that I have is possible through GOD of course but also my mother..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE
Three Things
Three things that scare me:
1: the dark
2: spiders
3: heights
Three people who make me laugh:
1: mom
2: kaneeka
3: my boyfriend
Three Things I love:
1: my boyfriend
2: my house
3: my beloved ac because it is soooo hot
Three Things I hate:
1: squash
2: traffic
3: the heat
Three things I don't understand:
1: why people lie
2: why the phone company won't come fix my line
3: why people call you and say what r u doing?
Three things on my desk:
1: computer
2: pens and pencils
3: alot of papers
Three things I'm doing right now:
1: at the computer
2: eating celery
3: talking on the phone
Three things I want to do before I die:
1: purchase a home
2: retire
3: get married
Three things I can do:
1: teach you addtion and subtraction, and how to write your name in cursive
2: type 45 words per minute
3: cook
Three ways to describe my personality:
1: bubbly
2: down to earth
3: fun
Three things I can't do:
1: swim....yet
2: speak spanish...yet
3: use the stepper at the gym..that thing is hard to do
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My Blog

To all my true 90's r and b cats!!!!!!!

I must say that I am truly a fan of all 90's r and b music.  The stuff that is out now is ok but I when I get in the car and guy or bobby brown or even some old school jodeci comes on, I sim...
Posted by Markeda on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 08:14:00 PST

Don't Mess With my Man Pt 2

Hello ladies and gentlemen if you are reading this. Today I feel really blessed, fortunate, and lucky to have a good man in my life.  I meet alot of women who say that they have go...
Posted by Markeda on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 04:44:00 PST

Don't Mess With My Man!!!!

Nivea ft. Jagged Egde--Don't Mess With My Man Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by Markeda on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 01:26:00 PST

This one is for all my ladies

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... A set of screwdrivers,a cordless drill, anda black lace bra... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE... One friend whoAlways makes herLaugh...And oneWho lets her cry... A WOMAN SHOULD HA...
Posted by Markeda on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 08:06:00 PST

Wake up People

NBA OR NFL?36Have been accused of spousal abuse 7 Have been arrested for fraud19Have been accused of writing bad checks117 Have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses3Have done time f...
Posted by Markeda on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 07:50:00 PST