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WUD UP WID IT! My names Laura or alot of people call me kuda,lo whatever u want,im a freshman at KVCC GO CUGARS!Im kinda crazy when it comes to having fun...i always saying the weirdest things u prolly will ever hear and my friends love me for least i think they do!I smile so much my face hurts and i say things i only think are funny,that have nothing to do with what we are talking about....first off theres my girl from tre rae...Bgizzle(my roomy)...aka fitty..aka..B~renna...shes ok...haha just kidding shes my girl! WHoop Dat trick!GET EM!We love to be crazy..singing in cars dancing and going in road trips to shows.then theres MOLLS BALLS! my best friend...crazy crazy girl im always laughing when im with her always wanting to hump me or molest me in some possible nasty way!i miss her so much...but shes keeping in real in a 2 and i lover her!And last but not least theres chels SLUT!TAAADEEERRR! she my girl my crazy dancing partner.we are always bustin out old school dance moves! i love her.these girls are my fab 4 normally if theres one of us ..theres either another hiding or just off doing who knows what..the magnolia clique! divas 4 life.. we like to just chill with friends and have a good time..i mean who doesn't...EHH I like to listen to music and go to the beach whenever i possibly can with my friends....Couz,Chels( TADER my girl! i love u!),Molz baby, C-TiTzO, B~renna, Emi, and babe i love u just pretty much a BadAss...that sums it up...Peace Out! %D%A
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