Twisting homemade electronics to disturb since somewhere in the mid 90s. The official qUE MySpace. Party wrecker extraordinaire. Once he starts on the cider, you'll wish you never invited him. A Pioneer in music because he may use a Pioneer hi-fi found on a skip to twist wires together in the hope of achieving the holy grail of audio feedback. What's in the studio and used live? Sequencers; AMCS ( ) & 3ETAM ( the 3rd Event Technologies Audio Mixer ) Mixers; Yamaha MG 16/4, Synergy Hybrid, SSM-2200 (Circuit Bent) Synths and Sampler; Yamaha DX-7 s1, TX-802, PSR-D1, Roland W-30 Effects; Zoom 9030, Korg Kaoss Pad Mini, Electro Harmonix EQ, Flanger and Distortion pedals Odds; YM2149 (via Atari Mega ST)
Live PA or DJ Bookings Inverted Light Source recordings (myspace) Inverted Light Source recordings (official website) Metro Tempo electronic music broadcast (myspace) Metro Tempo electronic music broadcast (official website)