hangin with my 2 boys- simon and trevor, and of course, my 2 favorite girls- hannah and polly rose. gaming is starting to consume me, it would be sick to get paid for it. music music music.....
nobody. i can't even keep track of the friends i have.
petty much anything with gary busey. point break was the best movie ever.
i like it alot more when there's a video game controller in my hands..........
pervo devo(ben weasel), max pc, mouse soup,game informer,
my parents, hannah martinez, trelvis williamsburg, 24/7spyz, schmier (DESTRUCTIONS BACKBONE), gary and jake busey, chuckD., ian makay, pinche yones, dave smalley, D. mcCarthy, dow jones, the welensiek fam, jon titor, SIMON MATTHEW