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so we fix our eyes not on what is seen,but what is unseen,For what is seen is temporary.but what is

About Me

Everyone is psychic. There are individuals who choose to pursue their abilities to assist others and there are those who just want answers.I'm a psychic/medium/ and I enjoy chatting with other active psychics or anyone just interested in the subject.A lot of people ask me how long I've been psychic and how long I've been doing readings and what else I can do. I was born psychic. I only started doing readings 2 years ago. I am a medium, which means I can communicate with those who have passed .Sometimes everyone thinks you are crazy when you choose to use your gifts openly. Well, here I hope to create an atmosphere that is comforting to those who need help on their psychic path. Or if you just want some answers, this is the place.
Did you know that 68% of Britons believe in ghosts, whilst 33% believe that the dead can communicate with us? Yet just 55% of Britons believe in God. I help run the website cosmic conspiracies www.ufos-aliens.co.uk with my brother COSMIC DAVE and a friend ANDY LLYOD who are both on my spacewe have gone on various ghost and UFO investigations and helped out people who's homes are haunted.One such person contacted us after encountering a nasty spirit in her house - the result of dabbling with a ouija board. In fact many people seem to acquire nasty ghosts after using ouija boards, which we definitely would not advise anybody to do unless you have somebody present who knows what they are doing. Just be sure not to always listen to your intuition... someday it could be wrong!We used to live in a haunted house. In fact, everywhere we have lived since moving from that house has had its fair share of ghost activity.My earliest recollection is of the night i saw the ghost of a woman in Victorian dress, walk into the room i shared with my brother Dave when we were kids.I was around 12. The ghost of this lady glided through the door, stopped at my brothers bed where he was sleeping, looked at him and then proceeded to walk across the room and vanish into the door of the wardrobe. But what authenticates this particular encounter is that my mum also saw the same lady in her bedroom at around the same time. i didn't tell my parents for a few weeks afterwards because i thought they would think i was going mad. But one day i blurted out to my dad what i had saw, at which point my dad called mum into the room and i told her to tell him about the lady she had seen. Lots of strange things happened at that house, including dark shadow people darting about, TV's changing channels of their own accord, strange noises coming from within the walls - like a bird trapped, even though there was no possible way a bird could get into the wall. I particularly remember us entering the house late one night after a night out. Every door upstairs banged in unison across the house. Thinking that there must be a burglar, me, my brother and dad raced up the stairs only to find that every door was wide open.No windows were open, it was a mid-summer warm evening with no wind. How those doors closed and opened that night I will never fathom out? One of our friends came around one afternoon and it wasn't long before the subject of ghosts came up. He was a bit of a sceptic and thought we were kidding - that was until he looked at the door to the room and saw the door handle pull down. Since then he never could go out to the toilet without one of us standing outside :)I will finish up this section with what for me was the scariest thing that happened in the house. One day during the school holidays me and my brother were playing snooker in the same room that had once been our shared bedroom - the same room where my brother had seen the lady ghost. It wasn't long into the game that we suddenly realised that the birds outside seemed to stop singing. In fact all sound stopped as if we had gone deaf. Have you ever heard that strange noise just before a thunderstorm strikes? Its a sort of a very distant low drone. Well, it was pretty close to that. Then all of a sudden the door to the room started to open by itself. The only people in the house were myself and my brother, with one dog locked in the kitchen and the other dog somewhere in the house. Fearing the worst, we slowly picked up our snooker cue's (well you have to be prepared for anything!) and slowly edged our way to the door. Looking through the door and down the hallway we could see our other dog. He was crouched there on all fours, in the lounge, looking at us shaking like a leaf. It was just as if he had just been given a really good telling off?We have been on many interesting ghost hunts since starting the site, and even captured what we think is the ghost of an old soldier on Tewkesbury Battlefield which was the site of a famous battle during the War of the Roses in 1470. I have posted a blown-up version of the picture here. Although it is quite dark you may be able to see the figure which we think is wearing a suit of armour.Our most successful ghost hunt involved a local spiritualist church. i was asked if we could take the group on a mini ghost tour of Prestbury, a village near Cheltenham. Prestbury is alleged to be Britain's most haunted place. After a little internet and local history searching, we put together a tour which travelled to locations in the village where the ghosts had been spotted. One such place was the graveyard itself. A black abbot is supposed to haunt the location and it was during our initial test-run before the tour that my brother actually saw him in the graveyard. But something much more shocking would appear on the ghost hunt! Several of the group were sensitive, in the mediumistic sense, and almost as one voiced their concerns about temperature drops as we approached the graveyard, which was the last destination on our ghost tour.Some seemed to feel the presence of an unexplained energy in the graveyard. Something seemed to be brewing up, perhaps as a result of the presence of so many sensitive individuals. The group fragmented as individuals and smaller groups began to follow their instincts, as they explored the area.i have seen many, many ghosts in the last few years, and am rarely shocked by any of them.But the sudden vision of a white lady, dressed in Victorian costume, standing behind one of our group, was too much even for me. There must have been something sinister about this ghost i let out into a a series of wild curses, in fright. What happened next seemed to confirm this feeling. Because i saw the ghost push the back of the group memebers back. And, incredibly, she fell forwards involuntarily. Not before she had taken this picture though, which clearly shows what is commonly known as an orb. Orbs are thought to be the first manifestation of a spirit before it changes into ghost form.

My Interests

What's Your Psychic Strength?
martin, when it comes to psychic abilities, you have an unusually strong talent in the area of Precognition This means you have an uncanny ability to look into the future and know ahead of time what is going to happen. You might, for instance, simply know that you're going to get that job before the interview even happens with a certainty that exceeds what you would expect to have simply knowing the facts of the situation. You might have a sense of dread before going out for the evening only to later have a flat tire on your way home. These little hunches are easy to ignore but for you especially, quite often lead to a true prediction of what is going to happen. These predictions can be used to generate positive outcomes, and the more you know about how to use your talent, the more you will be able to distinguish between fantasy of the future and an actual reality you are seeing happen, before it has actually happened. While your strongest psychic talent is Precognition, Tickle also analyzed your psychic strengths in: Retrocognition: The ability to know what happened in the past. Clairvoyance: The ability to "see" the unknown. Remote viewing: The ability tosee physical objects at a distance. Telepathy: The ability to tune into others' thoughts.
Your Psi-Q rating is Telepathy/Empathy 07/10
Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing 09/10
Psychokinesis 09/10
Precognition 10/10
Channeling 09/10
Interpreting the results Telepathy/Empathy Telepathy is often confused with clairvoyant skills. Telepathy is the ability to read or pick up on the thoughts of another person. Telepathy is one of the more common experiences people have of psychic ability. Most people can recall an instance where they have known who was calling before picking up the phone. So what is the difference between imagination and good guessing skills and telepathy? Telepathy tends to work best where it involves the transference of emotions, particularly strong ones rather than thoughts. It also tends to happen at the same time or just before the thoughts are spoken. As psychic skills progress the ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others increases. However, telepathy should not be confused with wishful thinking and the imagination. Telepathy is not an imaginary message about for instance calling someone who in actual fact, you just want to call them. Telepathy is often confused with wishful thinking in the case of a new romantic liaison where you hope the person wants a call rather than you receiving their thoughts. Telepathic skills are neutral, they are the ability to observe the thoughts of others and interpret them correctly. Some people do not realise they have the ability to do this. It can often be seen where your mood unusually changes around certain people.This can be because you are unconsciously receiving their thoughts. Empathy is the ability to pick up on the feelings of others rather than their thoughts. This is something that is common among those who are psychically sensitive 'feeling' people. 'Feeling' people are those who communicate well through such things as hugging and kindness. In some cases such psychics are attracted to the healing professions. They just 'know' when a person is not feeling on top of the world and set out to help them. However, with such a skill it is often the case these people find it difficult to define boundaries and allow for unsavoury characters to persist in their life. If you have a strong skill in this area it is sensible to work heavily on your spiritual development so your self-esteem is very strong in order to avoid overload. Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing Clairvoyance is the ability to see images of an event(s) that have occurred in the past, present or future. This type of 'seeing' does not occur with your physical sight it occurs with an inner sight. Sometimes these images will be a literal translation other times they are symbolic. It is necessary to develop this skill further in order to more accurately determine if an image is literal or symbolic. The 'third eye' (chakra at the centre of the forehead) is associated with being the seat of clairvoyance. When the third eye is developing and stretching to open up to clairvoyant skills it can give off a tight feeling in the centre of your forehead, a desire to rub it or a constant irritation with your hair if it covers it. Psychokinesis Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects with the power of the mind.
This more unusual psychic skill has been made famous by the idea of poltergeists. Apparent poltergeists are often in the home of children or young adults. But poltergeist activity can often be explained by unconscious psychokinesis by children or young adults. Such youngsters going through either an emotionally intense time or puberty (an emotionally intense time) create extra psychic energy. This extra psychic energy without them realising it, can move objects. It is also something that occurs in adults who are likewise, going through an emotionally intense time or their psychic energy is building to develop their psychic skills. Light bulbs will ping, electrical items will turn themselves on or break with no apparent reason. This can happen until the psychic skills of such a person are acknowledged and developed. Precognition While clairvoyance and telepathy have to do with perceiving events across distance precognition focuses on the ability to 'see' events across time. Specifically future events. Precognition is often for a lot of people totally unexpected and not asked for. It is the ability to see the future. It is usually experienced in a variety of ways among the most common are through feelings, brief inner glimpses, dreams and the third eye (the minds eye). For some, especially if not understood, this ability can be disconcerting until the gift is properly managed. This can be done through reading, experiencing and understanding psychic ability.Channeling Those who communicate with spirits are called a channeler or medium. Channelling is the ability to communicate with those who once lived or with spirit who have never taken a human form such as angelic beings. Channeling is the communication that takes place between a spirit and a living human. There are several forms of spirit communication and a channeler does not have to be in a trance state to receive messages. However, with regard to the quality of channelled information it is reliant on the channeler rather than the spirit. This is because the information has to be passed in an energy form for interpretation from the channeler. If the channeler has not learnt the skill adequately the information can seem vague and jumbled. Channeling can be a learned skill. As you learn though, it is important to remember that everyone has a different experience of what it is like to channel. Your style will depend on your spirit guide and your particular energy level, focus, and clarity. Before consciously channelling it is a good idea to learn the skills of quietening the mind. This is to ensure the quality of information you receive. Many people however, experience 'unconscious' channelling a random act of communication with a loved one who has passed over. This means a person has the ability to successfully become a medium

You scored 90% as Channeling

You scored 90% as Clairvoyance

You scored 90 as Telepathy

Telepathy is direct transference of thought To Obtain: Sit down with another person. Have seven different colored pencils between you. Choose one person to "send" and the other to "receive". The person who sends chooses a color in their mind. They then 'send' this color to the mind of the other person. Once they have started to do that, they say "start". The person who is receiving then looks into the other person's mind to see what they are sending. Then choose the color you are thinking about and send it to the receiver. Interpreting the results Telepathy/Empathy Telepathy is often confused with clairvoyant skills. Telepathy is the ability to read or pick up on the thoughts of another person. Telepathy is one of the more common experiences people have of psychic ability. Most people can recall an instance where they have known who was calling before picking up the phone. So what is the difference between imagination and good guessing skills and telepathy? Telepathy tends to work best where it involves the transference of emotions, particularly strong ones rather than thoughts. It also tends to happen at the same time or just before the thoughts are spoken.
As psychic skills progress the ability to read the thoughts and emotions of others increases. However, telepathy should not be confused with wishful thinking and the imagination. Telepathy is not an imaginary message about for instance calling someone who in actual fact, you just want to call them. Telepathy is often confused with wishful thinking in the case of a new romantic liaison where you hope the person wants a call rather than you receiving their thoughts. Telepathic skills are neutral, they are the ability to observe the thoughts of others and interpret them correctly. Some people do not realise they have the ability to do this.It can often be seen where your mood unusually changes around certain people. This can be because you are unconsciously receiving their thoughts. Empathy is the ability to pick up on the feelings of others rather than their thoughts. This is something that is common among those who are psychically sensitive 'feeling' people. 'Feeling' people are those who communicate well through such things as hugging and kindness. In some cases such psychics are attracted to the healing professions. They just 'know' when a person is not feeling on top of the world and set out to help them. However, with such a skill it is often the case these people find it difficult to define boundaries and allow for unsavoury characters to persist in their life. If you have a strong skill in this area it is sensible to work heavily on your spiritual development so your self-esteem is very strong in order to avoid overload. Clairvoyance/Remote Viewing Clairvoyance is the ability to see images of an event(s) that have occurred in the past, present or future. This type of 'seeing' does not occur with your physical sight it occurs with an inner sight. Sometimes these images will be a literal translation other times they are symbolic. It is necessary to develop this skill further in order to more accurately determine if an image is literal or symbolic. The 'third eye' (chakra at the centre of the forehead) is associated with being the seat of clairvoyance. When the third eye is developing and stretching to open up to clairvoyant skills it can give off a tight feeling in the centre of your forehead, a desire to rub it or a constant irritation with your hair if it covers it. Psychokinesis Psychokinesis is the ability to move objects with the power of the mind. This more unusual psychic skill has been made famous by the idea of poltergeists. Apparent poltergeists are often in the home of children or young adults. But poltergeist activity can often be explained by unconscious psychokinesis by children or young adults. Such youngsters going through either an emotionally intense time or puberty (an emotionally intense time) create extra psychic energy. This extra psychic energy without them realising it, can move objects. It is also something that occurs in adults who are likewise, going through an emotionally intense time or their psychic energy is building to develop their psychic skills. Light bulbs will ping, electrical items will turn themselves on or break with no apparent reason. This can happen until the psychic skills of such a person are acknowledged and developed. Precognition While clairvoyance and telepathy have to do with perceiving events across distance precognition focuses on the ability to 'see' events across time. Specifically future events. Precognition is often for a lot of people totally unexpected and not asked for. It is the ability to see the future. It is usually experienced in a variety of ways among the most common are through feelings, brief inner glimpses, dreams and the third eye (the minds eye). For some, especially if not understood, this ability can be disconcerting until the gift is properly managed. This can be done through reading, experiencing and understanding psychic ability. Channeling Those who communicate with spirits are called a channeler or medium. Channelling is the ability to communicate with those who once lived or with spirit who have never taken a human form such as angelic beings. Channeling is the communication that takes place between a spirit and a living human. There are several forms of spirit communication and a channeler does not have to be in a trance state to receive messages. However, with regard to the quality of channelled information it is reliant on the channeler rather than the spirit. This is because the information has to be passed in an energy form for interpretation from the channeler. If the channeler has not learnt the skill adequately the information can seem vague and jumbled.Channeling can be a learned skill. As you learn though, it is important to remember that everyone has a different experience of what it is like to channel. Your style will depend on your spirit guide and your particular energy level, focus, and clarity. Before consciously channelling it is a good idea to learn the skills of quietening the mind. This is to ensure the quality of information you receive. Many people however, experience 'unconscious' channelling a random act of communication with a loved one who has passed over. This means a person has the ability to successfully channel but has not yet developed it. THE ESP TEST What's Your Psychic Strength? martin, when it comes to psychic abilities, you have an unusually strong talent in the area of Precognition This means you have an uncanny ability to look into the future and know ahead of time what is going to happen. You might, for instance, simply know that you're going to get that job before the interview even happens with a certainty that exceeds what you would expect to have simply knowing the facts of the situation.>You might have a sense of dread before going out for the evening only to later have a flat tire on your way home. These little hunches are easy to ignore but for you especially, quite often lead to a true prediction of what is going to happen. These predictions can be used to generate positive outcomes, and the more you know about how to use your talent, the more you will be able to distinguish between fantasy of the future and an actual reality you are seeing happen, before it has actually happened. While your strongest psychic talent is Precognition, Tickle also analyzed your psychic strengths in: Retrocognition: The ability to know what happened in the past. Clairvoyance: The ability to "see" the unknown. Remote viewing: The ability to see physical objects at a distance. Telepathy: The ability to tune into others' thoughts

I'd like to meet:

Because I Love You...

.... ..
We've been together for a while
But it seems like yesterday I first saw your smile
And even though we've been far along
Our love has still stayed strong
And we both carried on
Because I love you... I always will
And I will love you till the day
Though my life might fade away
My love is here to stay
And I thought that you should know
So I'm singing you this song today
Get a scroller sign at ..!

The 'Sheila' Jam - - - Steelheart

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Zingerbug on imikimi - Customize Your World
i met Sheila through myspace and since then my worlds not been the same .She is the most caring and loving person ive ever met she is everything ive dreamt of and more.
Sheila has brought so much more than love she has also brought great wisdom as well as compation and understanding not just to me but everyone she meets.
We meet many people throughout our life some come and go Some are special others are there for just a short time but then you meet that special someone the person who you know is your soul mate and sheila is that for sure from the moment i met her i new there was a special bond alot more than just friendship and as time has gone by she has proven this time and time again .If you believe in soul mates then Sheila is mine
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.. ..
Just spent a incredible 3 weeks in August with Sheila .From the moment we met we new we were meant to be together forever 3 weeks came and went far to fast and now im going back in january i cant wait
Build your own Blingee

Just spent an amazing 6 weeks in the usa with sheila we hope to get married later this year after we sorted the visa outGoing back to see sheila in december 2008 staying for a faboulous 5 weeks cant wait


Smiling is contagious, you catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too. I passed around the corner, and someone saw my grin - When he smiled I realized, I'd passed it on to him.I thought about that smile, then I realized its worth, A single smile, just like mine, could travel round the earth. So, if you feel a smile begin, don't leave it undetected - Let's start an epidemic quick and get the world infected ! ! !





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Bring Me SunshineBring me sunshine in your smile bring me laughter all a while In this world where we live there should be more happiness So much joy you can give to each brand new bright tomorrow Make me happy through the years never bring me any tears Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me loveBring me sunshine in your eyes bring me rainbows from the clear blue skies Life's too short to be spent having anything but fun We can be so content if we gather little sunbeams Be light hearted darlin' all day long keep me singing a happy song Let your arms be as warm as the sun from up above Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love Bring me sunshine in your smile... Bring me fun bring me sunshine and bring me love

Cool Godsmack Dual Drum Solo

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Cats part2

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EVP Equipment & Recording Methods

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Electronic Voice Phenomena - A History

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How To Record EVP

Posted by Zodiac on Tue, 06 Nov 2007 06:04:00 PST

psychic abilities

Posted by Zodiac on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:55:00 PST


TickleHi martinNetworking | Help | Your Account | Sign OutHome Tests Create-A-Quiz YouTickle        Your ESP    How your ESP ability is determined &nb...
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'UFO Hacker' Tells What He Found

'UFO Hacker' Tells What He Found   The search for proof of the existence of UFOs landed Gary McKinnon in a world of trouble. After allegedly hacking into NASA websites -- where he says he found ...
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Native American Prayer

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