Tanya<3* profile picture


The way to love anything is to realize that it might be lost.

About Me

hey everybody (:
my namee is Tanya
I have a boyfriend Christopher Angelo Best (: im going to be 17 in 20days (:
i am 100% russian ♥
i'm a sophmoree at PAHS
I love music ♥ it dont matter the type longest i havee somethin to listen to (:
im a tomboy at heart! . i abs love sports (:
I play:field hockey::ice hockey::
i lovee my familyy♥ no matter what
im a gemini .. that means i havee a split personality♥ ..
im eassy to get along w/
i ratherr stay homee nd watch moviess thenn go to thee club
walkingg my dogg ZOE is funn
for summer i officialy have a twin (: its a flower silly its like connected by one stem and has to heads.. i feel in love with it
starss at nightt are amazingg nd beautifull
i work at thee ice box .. the BEST JOB ever ..
i couldd watch nip tuckk♥ the wholee day
Im weired
I tend to comfusee peoplee! lol
lovee is not questionable
Possibilities decrease as time goes on.
school makeess you smarterr.. well PA is acceptional
crossword puzzlers, word findss, sudukus andd blahh blahh aree awsomee! .. keep youu accupiedd for hours
playingg in the rainn.. makes mee feel likee a littlee kidd
when youur (girl/boy friendd) wantt to leavee youu forr someonee elsee dontt fihgt aboutt itt ndd let it go.. if thats what two peoplee in lifee wantt then let themm it just simplyy means that they dontt want 2 be with you .let it go nd finee someonee elsee that is actually willing to be withh you and enjoyss your componyy .. simply im just sayingg thingss dont alwayss go your way
i hatee whenn peoplee are latee .. !
poetry is abs breath takeen!
theres something aboutt dovess that i really like i just dont know what
i deff dislikee when peoplee say they gunnah do someethingg thenn givee you a lamee ass excussee that theyy no longerr b ablee 2 ne morree..
truth iss sometimess simplu to hardd 2 handlee
i wontt say nee think unless i was askedd to
i dontt hold grudgess.. and i hopee forr thee best forr everybodyy even if i dontt like youu
i believee in horoscopess
everythingg is aboutt timee♥ so deal ..
Ericass♥ housee is the placee to bee
i lovee when guyss could play guitarss .. i think itt really sexii includee singingg* nd that would just kills everythingg (: i meann it in a good way
i get jelouss butt i dont admit to it.. but you could tell that i am
oncee ive been told that starss are the pathss to our future.. and eachh onee of uss are given a pathh.. what happenss if wee disobey our path nd fallow our heartss do you think thee pathh will changee someehoww.. ndd let us havee what we desiree ? even thoughh everythingg is going to go against youu .. but how badd would you wants thiss. wouldd youu suffer just to try 2 change something that you truly wantt ?
Erica ♥
a girl that i cant spell nor pronounce her last name (: but who cares right ? anyways she a great friend to have. the realiest person I will ever meet shell tell you how it is, wont hide ne thing from you abs love her if only you knew her youd understand
things that cause friendship are: doing kindnesses; doing them unasked; and not proclaiming the fact when they are done
if you want to know more about mee aim mee (:

My Interests

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