My children, horses, horticulture, reading, writing, photography........there's just way to many to list, I can go on forever here.Below are some photo's of my step-father on "Docs Surgeons General" TWH, Doc is full of fire! Always ready to rock n' roll!.....Enjoy!
Cool SlideshowsNow this handsome man is simply named as "Radar" TWH, what a soft hearted horse he is, he aims to please giving you one of the best rides of your life!
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Interesting fun people, i'm here to make friends! Doesnt matter if your male, female, fat, skinny, tall, short, pretty or ugly. I dont care what race you are or your origin, I look forward to meeting as many nice people as I possibly can. So if you want to send me an add request, please do! Just please have a pulse! HaHa
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Now this here is "Blazin Comanche Shootout", Blaze for short, he is a spotted saddle horse that has one hell of a lick, lots of color and personality!
Cool SlideshowsNow Buddy here, he's an Appaloosa, 100% blind, cant see a damn thing. He was rescued at a sale, best damn buy I could have ever made! This horse is nothing but a big baby sitter for kids, he rides them all over the place!
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This little guy is "Holiday", born on Memorial Holiday, who would had guessed? Now dont let his sweet looks fool you, he is as ornery as a fire ant! But still cute as a button haha.
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