Safe! im stu, or whatever ppl wanna call me. Im the sort of person who tells it like it is, i dont generally lie to people because i dont expect them to lie to me, im far tooo kind for my own good, i know people take advantage of me and they know they're doing it, i know i do a lot of things for people who i know some will never thank me or even acknowledge me in any way shape or form, but hey, its who i am, if you dont like it, deal with it. cos i aint gonna change for no-one. i stand up for what and who i believe in strongly especially my mates, i would do anything for them, but i value other peoples feelings and ideas,
My mates mean the world to me and i dont know what i would do without them,
Chris Duncan- the cocky one, never fails to make the most out of anythin, typical womaniser and a great friend. But i had better not say much more, would increase an already oversized ego...
Farooq Robinson- the man who you can never get bored of, hes wild and whacky and never afraid of injuring himself, hes mental, total legend
Mike - aha well where do we start really, awesome guy and takes me n chris in good grace, has really excelled himself of late where women are concerned, tho he claims to have sorted his life out, we all know he hasnt really:P, but admittedly they are steadily improving,
Tom Dawes- the welsh man, awesome guy and never unable to answer a question, until u get on to women, but anythin else hes ur man, we've been great friends for a long time, we've had our ups and downs but we always come out of them stronger, sometimes susectpable to verbal leakages
Nadine Gibson- wow what can i say, shes hilarious, been there for ma a hell of a long time, easy to talk to about anythin because i know she will understand me, shes great.
Hannah Rose- awesome girl, only recently just met her, but it seems likethe start of a great friendship, she's great and beautiful. to be contined...
all are legends within themselves, i would literally take a bullet for these guys and a nice guy once u get to know me so take time in doing so, feel free to add me on msn: [email protected]. feel free to leave a comment...
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