Vegandie profile picture


tight is the new white!

About Me

i'm an art weenie...i go low not that is...i suffer from short term memory loss...i get bored easily and need a change of pace OFTEN...i can't finish pieces that i've mind works much faster than my ability to speak or communicate so usually i make no sense at all or i've recently rekindled my love for all things dealing with space...i like to bend pipe cleaners to make furry lil' animals...medulla oblongata...i have no idea where i'm going in life...i'm just letting it get me there...i'm due for a vacation...i enjoy oxymorons, idiosyncrasies, acronymns...mad libs...board games...mille bornes...i like big, big, big, big words, pre over used and post unused lame words and phrases...NOT! had the t-shirt didn't you?...i hate speaking in third person...and i am fascinated by noises and driven by textures...lollygag...i think i never got off my childhood train...i like everybody...i don't take sides...i've decided that i even like people who talk behind my back, because it means that i've made an impact on their hate here, yo!...CHECKOUT:

My Interests

MY MOST AMAZING LOVABLE AND ADORABLE HUBBY MY FURRY KIDSveganism, animal liberation, the thought of flying and after that it would be (in no specific order) photography (i favour fine art photography), art (all forms, especially printmaking), cartoons, bookmaking and collecting, alternative processes, found objects, tattoos (so typical, eh), all animals, vegan sweets...bitches!, jackalope's, yeti's/sasquatch's, vintage bunnies/chicks/deers/beavers/lamb...etc toys, bunnies of course...including sneezes, kisses and binkies, birds and wings, music, space/planets, rockets, ufo's, martians, voodoo, n'awlins, magazine street, tiki, animal free chapstick, booze, coffins, skulls, pirates...arrrr...zombies, seedy bars, sluts, fashion faux pas victims, juxtapoz, machine gun magazine, green tea, the romantic languages and the places they derive from, japan, eastern culture and food, family, my family history, collecting old photos, history, the mentality of serial killers, all fruits and veggies, skyflakes crackers, mutha fukkin' chocolate/peanut butter (yeah it's vegan), decorating, shoppin', rollar and ice skating, cookin', walks in the park, hiking, petting random dogs, raspy voices, laughing, driving aimlessly, vintage shoppin', cuddling, SLEEPING

I'd like to meet:

ARTISTS, dead people i admire like hunter s. thompson and mitch hedberg to name a few, people from VERY different cultures, belief systems, music genres, political standpoints, artistic talent, such a boring world of look alikes and has beens i wanna see new and exciting things...or maybe things i just know nothing about...i'm always interested in people with outlandish opinions, waredrobes, and personalities... eccentric, eclectic and extreme...otherwise i'm up to meeting new friends that are fountains of useless knowledge, hermits, dingleberries, mentally unstable, wipe from back to front, filthy sluts, vegans, people who love animals, animal rights activists...and of COURSE mister pee wee herman himself...along with the rest of the playhouse...


i hate putting music into catagories but here it is (in no specific order)...alt-country, indie, all the billys (rockabilly, physcobilly, etc)...punk (horror punk, cow punk, etc.)...garage, femy rock/riot grrrl, zydeco, doo wop, blues and bluegrass, country (the old stuff), western swing, honky tonk, exotica, 80's pop (the good stuff)...all hell, this doesn't even begin to explain what kind of music i like, because i like so danged much...other sounds that interest me are playing the typerwriter, saws, and other found objects... mah gal jinxy's singin', mah sisters beautiful and talented voice that didn't come from our family genes, my god awful singin' voice while drivin' in mah car (sounds good to me), old men whistlin', wildlife, and sometimes just plain nothing...peace and quiet...


TOTORO and THE SCIENCE OF SLEEP...otherwise, way too many to's almost impossible...i have a grreat appreciation for b movies, old skool films, documentaries, classic horror films and international films...john waters, michel gondry, charlie kaufman and mary harron, just to name a few of my TOP favourites and great inspirations...the typical shit like tim burton, the brothers quay, quentin tarantino, and robert rodriguez


Arrested Development, The Office, PEE WEE'S PLAYHOUSE (OF COURSE!)... Cartoons (my current 3 addictions are Fosters, Venture Bros, and Oblongs), Animal Planet, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, The Munsters, Discovery Channel, Daily Show, Law&Order, Prime Time Glick, My Name is all that think t.v. rots your mind well SURPRISE myspace, the internet and computers rot our minds's all about being a conformist...punk rock rocks!


hunter s. thompson, geek love, slaughterhouse five, the classics, happy kitty bunny pony, childrens stories, art books, books i find in the trash, trashy romance novels i find in the trash, informative books, cook books...oh so many to name...


ALL the family, friends and pets that i have lost over the years (especially my nonno (gramps)domenico ciccotell) hubby, my mum, artists, including one of my favourites GREG SIMKINS... AND ALL ANIMALS WHOSE LIVES ARE TAKEN BY FORCE

My Blog

this is why i love life

Posted by Dandy Andielion on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 03:41:00 PST

about if ya rilly care to know more...UPDATED!!!

i don't post so called "cool-check me out" photos because i don't care enough about image...i would rather people add me or email me because they read my best line in life is "give me a m...
Posted by Dandy Andielion on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Ashamed of my Country

So I wrote an entire heart felt blog about the seal hunts and in the event of posting it something happened and all was lost. My heart sank even deeper as I thought I can't put myself through tha...
Posted by Dandy Andielion on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 06:45:00 PST

Fashionable Fur Fuckers

I mentioned in my "about me..." blog that the new fur come back is uncivilized...i stand oh so strongly behind this statement...and i will fight tooth and nail till the day i die about this issue...
Posted by Dandy Andielion on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 07:03:00 PST