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I love all music..even country and oldies! but i mostly like hip-hop, R&B, And REGGAE (my fav)!
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skater /surfer
Goth/ emo
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The COMPLETE About me survey!
Name: Britani
Gender: FEMALE!
Age: 17..almost 18
Screen Name: uhhhh...
Birthday: Feb13/89
Race: mixxed
School/Grade: the papers say 12
Job: tim hortons! LMAO
Status: singleish
Hometown: Glace Bay (most fukk up place ive ever been)
Current Town: K-Dubb
Parents Still Together?: nope
Siblings: 2 brothers
Pets: cats
Smoker: yup
Drinker: yup
Virgin: HA! thats a funny one rite there!
Orientation: Bii!
Drugs: hell yeah!
Hair Color: brownish-blondish
Is It Dyed?: yup
Eye Color: brown
Height: 5'5
Style: preppy gangsta!
Glasses/Contacts/None?: glasses...but i hardly wear them
Freckles: nope
Body Type: more cushion for the pushin!...LMAO
Shoe Size: 8
Piercings: tongue, nipple
Want More?: yup
Tattoos?: nope
Want More?: YEAH!
Braces?: need them
Overall Best Feature:: eyes...boobs
Overall Worst Feature:: my stomach
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: aunts
Favorite Color: blue
Worst Color: red
Favorite Number: 13
Favorite Animal: cat/snake
Least Favorite Animal: birds
Favorite Flower: orich/lilly
Favorite Food: salt beef dinner
Worst Food: hamburger helper
Favorite Junk Food: sour cream & onion/bacon chips
Worst Junk Food: babrbeque chips
Favorite Restaraunt: prime
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: rocky road
Favorite Candy: fuzzy peaches
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: fireball
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: sprite
Worst Alcoholic Drink: peach schnaps
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: dr. pepper
Favorite Genre of Music: reggae/hip hop
Worst Genre: punk
Favorite Band/Artist: insane clown posse/ tech n9ne
Worst Band/Artist: 50 cent/g-uNOT
Favorite Song: anything by tech n9ne
Worst Song: anything by 50 cent/g-uNOT
Favorite Radio Station: 91.5 the beat
Favorite Book: the orphans series by VC Andrews
Worst Book: ummm....
Favorite Type of Movie: horror
Worst Type of Movie: geek movies
Favorite Movie: huslte & flow/4 brothers
Worst Movie Ever: the grudge
Favorite TV Show: simpsons/CSI
Wost TV Show: the office
Favorite Season of the Year: summer...SHORT SKIRTS!
Worst Season: winter
Best Friend: Katie...?
Worst Enemy: THEY KNO WHO THEY ARE! Ps...u guys are fukkin done!
Favorite Day of the Week: Friday!
Least Favorite Day of the Week: sunday
Favorite Sport: soccer
Sport You Hate: cricket...LMAO
One thing you cant get enough of: guys telling me im sexii!
One thing you hate more than anything: liars adn backstabbing "best friends"
Are You Single?: yupish
If not, who is your bf/gf?:
How Long Have You Been Together?:
If You're Single, Do you Like It?: kinda, but not really
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?: yup:D
First Kiss: with the guy i like now?...on the bed in his computer room...**blushes**
Ever Kiss in the Rain?: mhmm
In a Movie Theater?: done more then kiss...
Underwater?: yup
First Love: andrew..BASTARD!
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?: yup, regret it
Been Cheated on?: yup
Used Someone?: started off that way...
Been used?: several times
Lied to your bf/gf?: only so they wouldnt get hurt
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?: yup
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?: yup
Are You a Tease?: yup
Do you Flirt a Lot?: hell yeah!
Longest Relationship: 5 months
Shortest: like...a day! LMAO
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?: yup
Ever Get Flowers?: yup
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: fryers gave me a rose when my b/f dumped me
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?: nope
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?: sometimes
Do you Believe in "The One"?: kinda
Do you Fall in Love Fast?: yup
Are you a Player?: nope
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?: i have and would again
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?: yup
Kissed 2 People At One Time?: yup
Had Sex with 2 People in One day?: yup
Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?: yup..He He
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?: yup
Ever Been Dumped?: yup
Ever dumped someone?: yup
Ever been rejected?: yup
Do you have a lot of ex's?: oh yeah
Are you a slut?: kinda
Ever been called one?: of coarse
Ever dated someone more than once?: yup
Do you ever make the first move?: almost always...guys are pussys
Double dates or single?: double, less awkwardness
Do you want to get married?: eventually
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color: dont matter...jus as long as its a normal color
Short or long?: short
Eye color?: blue/green
Style: gangsta
Age: 18-22
Height: i like feeling short
Weight: not huge...chubbys okay, but muscle is better
Muscular or skinny?: muscular
Boxers or Breifs?: boxers
Do you care about looks?: kinda
Can you drive?: nope
Do you have a car?: nope
Do you have a cell phone?: yup
Are you online a lot?: always
Do you like gay/bi people?: gay guys are funny...and im bii so it wouldnt make sense to not like them
Can you speak another language?: i can kinda speak spanish...but not really
Do you do well in school?: i did..till i became the 'popular' girl
Do you collect anything?: dimebags
Have an obsession?:
Do you hate yourself?: sometimes
Ever smile for no reason?: when i think bout the good times on 3-point
Talk to yourself?: ha ha yes!
Do you have any regrets?: its better to regret doind something then to regret not doing it at all
Believe in magick?: sometimes
Do you support gay marriage?: yup
Sex before marriage?: yup
Do you trust people easily?: not anymore
Forgive easily?: if they desreve it
Do you have a secret no one knows?: yup
Do you get along with your parents?: kinda....dont really talk to my dad tho
What about other people?: if y treat me with respect, ill treat you with it to
How do you vent your anger?: i punch things.,..but iw ont punch ppl..thats what my knees are for
Do you like George Bush?: THE WAR IS STUPID!
Goal Before you die?: to get into playboy and become 1 of Hue's wives
Biggest Fear: rejection
Beggest Weakness:
Do you play an instrument?: used to
What do you want to be when you grow up?: hairstylist/playboy bunny
Are you...
A bitch?: very much so
A daydreamer?: yup
Shy?: yup...only around guys
Talkative?: yup
Energetic?: kinda
Happy?: sometimes
Depressed?: sometimes
Funny?: yup
Slutty?: kinda in a way yes
Boring?: nope..i can always find something for us to do;)
Mean?: yup
Nice?: yup
Caring?: very
Trustworthy?: YES!
Confident?: sometimes
Friendly?: yup
Smart?: kinda
Sarcastic?: nooooo...not at all!...LMAO
Dependable?: sometimes
Quiet?: a little
Weird?: YES!
Adaptable?: depends on the situation
Strong (emotionally)?: kinda
Strong (physically)?: yup
Mature?: very
Logical?: ...
Religious?: not really
Modest?: nope..
Indesicive?: yup
Sympathetic?: sometimes
Polite?: yup
Creative?: when it somes to dancing
Fun to be around?: yup
Loveable?: very
Easily Amused?: HELL YEAH!
Outgoing?: yup
Daring?: can be
Clumsy?: very!
Nosy?: yup
Lazy?: kinda
Scary?: can be...if u push the wrong buttons
Optimistic?: kinda sorta
Persuasive?: i make a guy do ANYTHING!
A good listener?: yup
Curious?: very
Determined?: yup
Determined?: WTF!
Artistic?: with dance
Honest?: very
Respectful?: yup
Concieted?: sometimes
Cocky?: a little
Controlling?: i can be
Playful?: yup
Easygoing?: yup
Carefree?: a little
Hot Headed?: i got a bad temper, but i hold it in till some1 makes me explode
Serious?: can be
Thoughtful?: yup
Considerate?: mhmm
Stubborn?: VERY!
Romantic?: can be
Ambitious?: meh
Jealous?: can be
Insecure?: yup
Obsessive?: a little
Attentive?: yup
Helpful?: kinda
Punctual?: hardly
Rational?: sometimes
Sincere?: can be
Tolerant?: not really
Did you enjoy this survey?: not really
Was it too long?: wayyyyyyyyyy to long
Do you think it contained just about everything?: and the kitchen sink!
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