-- t o r m e n t e d ;; profile picture

-- t o r m e n t e d ;;

.x.::!?Let It Rain Let It Flood, Let A Crip Kill A Blood, Let It Rain Let It Drip, Kill A Slob Cause

About Me

Dont Forget You Can Vote Every 24 Hours!...So Please Vote! And If You Vote, Ill Comment You, But Only If You Tell Me Who You are in a comment on the voting page!...kk Thanx♥
I'm 5'5, brown hair & eyez
Got my cartilage, ears, AND my tongue peirced! and now...i got my NIPPLE done!!!
I'm single but I'm NOT available!
If Your Looking For A Friend,
Add Me
Im Into Tarot And That Kinda Stuf, So If Your Interested In Getting Your Tarot Read, Message Or Comment Me, Ps.(for the idiots out there) Tarot Is A Way Of Reading Your Past Present And Future. Its Done With Cards, so if you dont live near kitchener, or dont have a way to kitchener...dont bother...lol
In Our Hearts Always
My Only Regret Is That I Didnt Get To Spend As Much Time With You As I Could Have♥
Katie OMFG! Id Make An Awesome SuperVisor eh?..LMAO
Kurtis♥ My MySpace SweetHeart...lol♥**Kissez**
Jo-Lynn...OMG! The Night Me, You, Cass, Danni, And TallPaul Chilled...FUKKING AWESOME!♥...OMFG! u were WRECKED!
**All She Wants To Do Is, All She Wants To Do Is... DANCE!** Casiie...LOVE U ALWAYS
Mark From Ingersoll....Even tho we dont kno each other....uve always been there♥ and for that i'll always love you!
Megz..IM SORRY BABES!...Im Sure U Kno What Its Like To Be Under The Influence Of The Majority♥
Jessi...u ROCK MY SOCKS! i love ur leg tatt!!
Amber...baseball field...thats all i gotta say!
Jess...aKa...STEVIE ♥
Sheena...My Fav Cousin!♥ U Alwayz!
Tiff....shes 1 of the coolest stoners i kno
Let's see who else there is...
Oh...Rev..the handcuffs...too funni♥
Noodle...aKa...Mae..love yuh gurl♥
Can't think of any one else rite now...
But when i do...i'll put u on!♥
I got 1 gun, 5 bullets..You Know Who There For!
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I love all music..even country and oldies! but i mostly like hip-hop, R&B, And REGGAE (my fav)!


You scored as stoner. o shit... ur a stoner man







skater /surfer


Goth/ emo





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The COMPLETE About me survey!
Name: Britani
Gender: FEMALE!
Age: 17..almost 18
Screen Name: uhhhh...
Birthday: Feb13/89
Race: mixxed
School/Grade: the papers say 12
Job: tim hortons! LMAO
Status: singleish
Hometown: Glace Bay (most fukk up place ive ever been)
Current Town: K-Dubb
Parents Still Together?: nope
Siblings: 2 brothers
Pets: cats
Smoker: yup
Drinker: yup
Virgin: HA! thats a funny one rite there!
Orientation: Bii!
Drugs: hell yeah!
Hair Color: brownish-blondish
Is It Dyed?: yup
Eye Color: brown
Height: 5'5
Style: preppy gangsta!
Glasses/Contacts/None?: glasses...but i hardly wear them
Freckles: nope
Body Type: more cushion for the pushin!...LMAO
Shoe Size: 8
Piercings: tongue, nipple
Want More?: yup
Tattoos?: nope
Want More?: YEAH!
Braces?: need them
Overall Best Feature:: eyes...boobs
Overall Worst Feature:: my stomach
Do you get most of your traits from mom or dad?: neither...my aunts
Favorite Color: blue
Worst Color: red
Favorite Number: 13
Favorite Animal: cat/snake
Least Favorite Animal: birds
Favorite Flower: orich/lilly
Favorite Food: salt beef dinner
Worst Food: hamburger helper
Favorite Junk Food: sour cream & onion/bacon chips
Worst Junk Food: babrbeque chips
Favorite Restaraunt: prime
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: rocky road
Favorite Candy: fuzzy peaches
Favorite Alcoholic Drink: fireball
Favorite NON Alcoholic Drink: sprite
Worst Alcoholic Drink: peach schnaps
Worst NON Alcoholic Drink: dr. pepper
Favorite Genre of Music: reggae/hip hop
Worst Genre: punk
Favorite Band/Artist: insane clown posse/ tech n9ne
Worst Band/Artist: 50 cent/g-uNOT
Favorite Song: anything by tech n9ne
Worst Song: anything by 50 cent/g-uNOT
Favorite Radio Station: 91.5 the beat
Favorite Book: the orphans series by VC Andrews
Worst Book: ummm....
Favorite Type of Movie: horror
Worst Type of Movie: geek movies
Favorite Movie: huslte & flow/4 brothers
Worst Movie Ever: the grudge
Favorite TV Show: simpsons/CSI
Wost TV Show: the office
Favorite Season of the Year: summer...SHORT SKIRTS!
Worst Season: winter
Best Friend: Katie...?
Worst Enemy: THEY KNO WHO THEY ARE! Ps...u guys are fukkin done!
Favorite Day of the Week: Friday!
Least Favorite Day of the Week: sunday
Favorite Sport: soccer
Sport You Hate: cricket...LMAO
One thing you cant get enough of: guys telling me im sexii!
One thing you hate more than anything: liars adn backstabbing "best friends"
Are You Single?: yupish
If not, who is your bf/gf?:
How Long Have You Been Together?:
If You're Single, Do you Like It?: kinda, but not really
Do You Have a Crush On Anyone Right Now?: yup:D
First Kiss: with the guy i like now?...on the bed in his computer room...**blushes**
Ever Kiss in the Rain?: mhmm
In a Movie Theater?: done more then kiss...
Underwater?: yup
First Love: andrew..BASTARD!
Have you ever Cheated on Anyone?: yup, regret it
Been Cheated on?: yup
Used Someone?: started off that way...
Been used?: several times
Lied to your bf/gf?: only so they wouldnt get hurt
Ever Made out With Just a Friend?: yup
Ever Had Sex With Just a Friend?: yup
Are You a Tease?: yup
Do you Flirt a Lot?: hell yeah!
Longest Relationship: 5 months
Shortest: like...a day! LMAO
Have you Ever Gotten a Poem?: yup
Ever Get Flowers?: yup
Sweetest Thing You've Ever Gotten: fryers gave me a rose when my b/f dumped me
Do you Like Valentine's Day or Sweetest Day?: nope
Do you Believe in Love at First Sight?: sometimes
Do you Believe in "The One"?: kinda
Do you Fall in Love Fast?: yup
Are you a Player?: nope
Would you ever Hook Up With Someone of the Same sex?: i have and would again
Have You ever Kissed 2 People in One Day?: yup
Kissed 2 People At One Time?: yup
Had Sex with 2 People in One day?: yup
Had sex with 2+ People at One Time?: yup..He He
Ever cried over someone of the opposite sex?: yup
Ever Been Dumped?: yup
Ever dumped someone?: yup
Ever been rejected?: yup
Do you have a lot of ex's?: oh yeah
Are you a slut?: kinda
Ever been called one?: of coarse
Ever dated someone more than once?: yup
Do you ever make the first move?: almost always...guys are pussys
Double dates or single?: double, less awkwardness
Do you want to get married?: eventually
OPPOSITE SEX (what you're attracted to)
Hair Color: dont matter...jus as long as its a normal color
Short or long?: short
Eye color?: blue/green
Style: gangsta
Age: 18-22
Height: i like feeling short
Weight: not huge...chubbys okay, but muscle is better
Muscular or skinny?: muscular
Boxers or Breifs?: boxers
Do you care about looks?: kinda
Can you drive?: nope
Do you have a car?: nope
Do you have a cell phone?: yup
Are you online a lot?: always
Do you like gay/bi people?: gay guys are funny...and im bii so it wouldnt make sense to not like them
Can you speak another language?: i can kinda speak spanish...but not really
Do you do well in school?: i did..till i became the 'popular' girl
Do you collect anything?: dimebags
Have an obsession?:
Do you hate yourself?: sometimes
Ever smile for no reason?: when i think bout the good times on 3-point
Talk to yourself?: ha ha yes!
Do you have any regrets?: its better to regret doind something then to regret not doing it at all
Believe in magick?: sometimes
Do you support gay marriage?: yup
Sex before marriage?: yup
Do you trust people easily?: not anymore
Forgive easily?: if they desreve it
Do you have a secret no one knows?: yup
Do you get along with your parents?: kinda....dont really talk to my dad tho
What about other people?: if y treat me with respect, ill treat you with it to
How do you vent your anger?: i punch things.,..but iw ont punch ppl..thats what my knees are for
Do you like George Bush?: THE WAR IS STUPID!
Goal Before you die?: to get into playboy and become 1 of Hue's wives
Biggest Fear: rejection
Beggest Weakness:
Do you play an instrument?: used to
What do you want to be when you grow up?: hairstylist/playboy bunny
Are you...
A bitch?: very much so
A daydreamer?: yup
Shy?: yup...only around guys
Talkative?: yup
Energetic?: kinda
Happy?: sometimes
Depressed?: sometimes
Funny?: yup
Slutty?: kinda in a way yes
Boring?: nope..i can always find something for us to do;)
Mean?: yup
Nice?: yup
Caring?: very
Trustworthy?: YES!
Confident?: sometimes
Friendly?: yup
Smart?: kinda
Sarcastic?: nooooo...not at all!...LMAO
Dependable?: sometimes
Quiet?: a little
Weird?: YES!
Adaptable?: depends on the situation
Strong (emotionally)?: kinda
Strong (physically)?: yup
Mature?: very
Logical?: ...
Religious?: not really
Modest?: nope..
Indesicive?: yup
Sympathetic?: sometimes
Polite?: yup
Creative?: when it somes to dancing
Fun to be around?: yup
Loveable?: very
Easily Amused?: HELL YEAH!
Outgoing?: yup
Daring?: can be
Clumsy?: very!
Nosy?: yup
Lazy?: kinda
Scary?: can be...if u push the wrong buttons
Optimistic?: kinda sorta
Persuasive?: i make a guy do ANYTHING!
A good listener?: yup
Curious?: very
Determined?: yup
Determined?: WTF!
Artistic?: with dance
Honest?: very
Respectful?: yup
Concieted?: sometimes
Cocky?: a little
Controlling?: i can be
Playful?: yup
Easygoing?: yup
Carefree?: a little
Hot Headed?: i got a bad temper, but i hold it in till some1 makes me explode
Serious?: can be
Thoughtful?: yup
Considerate?: mhmm
Stubborn?: VERY!
Romantic?: can be
Ambitious?: meh
Jealous?: can be
Insecure?: yup
Obsessive?: a little
Attentive?: yup
Helpful?: kinda
Punctual?: hardly
Rational?: sometimes
Sincere?: can be
Tolerant?: not really
Did you enjoy this survey?: not really
Was it too long?: wayyyyyyyyyy to long
Do you think it contained just about everything?: and the kitchen sink!
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My Blog

Throw Dem Cups Up!

Let It Rain, Let It Flood, Let A Crip Kill A blood, Let It Rain, Let It Drip, Kill A slob, Cause I Claim Crip, Let It Rain, Let It Thunda, Bury A slob 6 Feet Unda, When I Die Show No Pity, Brin...
Posted by -- t o r m e n t e d ;; on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 02:14:00 PST

BoyFriend Application♥

1. Your Name: 2. Age: 3. Fave Color: 4. Are you a virgin? 5. Are we friends? 6. Do you have a crush on me? 7. Would you kiss me? 8. ...with tongue? 9. Would you enjoy it? 10. Would you ever ask me out...
Posted by -- t o r m e n t e d ;; on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 12:52:00 PST

When You Call Me A Bitch

When I stand up for myself and ym beliefs, They call me a bitch. When I stand up for those I love, They call me a bitch. When I speak my mind, think my own thoughts or do things my own way,They call ...
Posted by -- t o r m e n t e d ;; on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 09:33:00 PST

I Give Up!

As Of Today I'm Offically Giving Up On Dating And Tryning To Find A Guy Thats Worth It And Wont Use Me For Just A Peice Of Ass. I'm Sick And Tired Of Being Used And Abused...These Guys Tell Me They Li...
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Take This Plz

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Posted by -- t o r m e n t e d ;; on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 09:09:00 PST