G. A. Custer profile picture

G. A. Custer

Crap! I have Internet all over my face!

About Me

While it's true that I am dead, I keep watch over the city of Monroe from atop my trusty steed. I oversee the activities of the very town where I was raised. I welcome all Monrovians to join my network and share their memories of a city most people only dream about.

Free poll by Listomatica.com
How would you best describe me and my past actions.
your massacre of Native Americans was tantamount to genocide
you followed orders and did what had to be done
you are a civil war hero and justly fought to expand this great nation
I don't know anything about you
I don't really care what you did.

As per Johanna's request, here is a recent photograph of me at Sterling State Park, on the shore of glorious Lake Erie.

My Interests

Horse Riding , Indian Killing, origami, puzzles, watercolors, square dancing, cheese grating, S&M, mustache growing, conscience suppression, studying ethics.

I'd like to meet:

Sitting Bull (I would kick his ass), The dude who painted my horse's balls blue (I would paint his face broken), Avril Lavigne (she has some real tight tunes)


bon jovi, ratt, tina turner, anything on the EMI record label, Avril Lavigne, another bad creation, Acid Mothers Temple, color me badd, motorhead, the band that sings that song about being born in a small town.


saving private ryan, the little mermaid, turner and hooch, dances with wolves, an inconvenient truth, house party 2, house party 5,house party 6 and house party 23, hotel hell, motel hell


soul train, highway to heaven, CSI, CNN, CNBC, CBS, CBC, CSNBC, CSPAN, the lotus ginko, this old horse, silver spoon, myth busters


anything by Judy Blume, Fries and the Frying Friars That Cook Them (A People's History of French Fries); anything by madonna, cher or einstein.


Me Myself

My Blog

my boss is a jewish carpenter

unable to pay my last netflix bill, I decided I had better look for supplemental employment.  I quickly landed a difficult but satisfying position building small barns and sheds.  my boss, s...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 06:59:00 PST

food rankings

gravy is second only to mashed potatoes, thereby placing mashed potatoes and gravy at a close third.  zingers, muskrat, goat intestine, and poprocks were excluded from the results since they are ...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Wed, 23 May 2007 11:54:00 PST

rearranged blogulations

as a result of beautifying my my profile and fixing broken links in my blog, some of my blogulations have become rearranged.   I'm afraid that people may become confused and reread those blo...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:34:00 PST

My statue

Sometime around 1910 the Michigan legislature so graciously "borrowed" $25,000 ($1.6 trillion in todays dollars) from the taxpayers to have a statue erected in honor of me.  It has been suggested...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Fri, 26 May 2006 09:31:00 PST

The Frenchtown Square Mall

The Frenchtown Square Mall is not square!  As you can see, from this aerial photo, it is shaped more like a dancing robot.  Is anyone else bothered by this?  Oh yeah, and the website fo...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Fri, 26 May 2006 07:24:00 PST


I have been warned by a dear friend that blogulation is for demons and their offspring.  I have therefore decided to abstain from blogulating until this claim has been fully investigated.  
Posted by G. A. Custer on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 12:31:00 PST

Dorito Dilemma

After reading a comment left on my profile, regarding doritos, I was compelled to investigate the situation.  Due to the unavailability of taco flavored doritos in LA, a malcontented los angelite...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 09:43:00 PST

Big Sugar: The new deception

I just finished eating candy fashioned in the shape of fish.  I was both disappointed and disgusted after discovering they had a flavor similar to that of a common fruit.  what would entice ...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 12:20:00 PST

My life after losing my life.

The following is in response to a question asked by a dear friend.  It was a bit too long to leave as a comment and I also felt everyone could benefit from my knowledge.  Once again, dear ni...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Fri, 26 Jan 2007 09:22:00 PST

Tommy James is a liar

A certain Mr. Thomas James and his gaggle of  Shondelles have earned a spot on my fraud watch list for an erroneous claim made in their hit song, "I think we're alone now."  A lyric in this ...
Posted by G. A. Custer on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 04:33:00 PST