I have been into music since i was born but started emmcing in 1994 at Club Labrynth, Dalston, London to old skool "happy hardcore".As time went on, the hardcore scene changed and drum and bass jungle took off. I caried on with writing lyrics and in 1996 i met up with DJ Eclipse and MC Twilight from Dream Fm (which was the beginning of a great friendship) and we all put our 2 pennies in to start making tunes, and still do to this day. After Dream we started playing on Flight FM and Ruff FM which got us quite a lot of recognition. I have also played on ravewithus.com, love2radio.com, lifefm.com, ineffectradio.com, worldwidednb.com and londonsfinest.com/87.5fm. The squat scene around London in 1999 was rife. We had a fat rig (F.R.S.) running around England most weekends. From this we got a set on Rude Awakening every weekend at prime time on a Saturday.As the years have continued I have carried on producing and playing out.Most recently M.I.A (Made In Anger(Our record label)) have gone from strength to strength.Shouts out to DJ Eclipse, Mc Twilight, DJ Enforcer, DJ Choppah, Mc Atomic Tempo and the resistance gang, DJ nebulus and the sound artillery cru, Solid industry and all technology crew, bridgy and all definition crew. Id like to big up all crews who have known me and supported me through thick and thin.
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