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I'm an 18 year old professional-dork-in-training specializing in Renaissance drama, particularly a lot of tiresome stuff having to do with gender issues, queer theory, and Shakespeare's histories (a.k.a. "the boring ones"). I mostly prattle on about movies (particularly Boring Pretentious Costume Drama), icons, MARLOWE: Gay Atheist Spy, the Phantom of the Opera, Victorian lesbian porn, random historical trivia, old scenery-chewing actors, the need for a TV show based on Shakespeare's tetralogies, angsty teenage wizard shapeshifter porn, and my favorite graven image, Wild Bill Shakespeare. I am mildly tall, drink too much coffee, have been known to randomly paint all my furniture purple, and am occasionally hypnotized by the cuteness of Amber Benson's sticky-outy ears. This myspace frequently features strong language and objectification of pretty men and women. It is not for the easily shocked or the easily bored.
Feel free to comment or add me to your friends list--I promise that I'm the least intimidating person on the planet. (I can be slack about answering comments, but it's because I'm busy and easily distracted, not because I'm trying to be a bitch.) While I occasionally add people with similar current interests to my friends list, I have a hard time keeping up with stuff like this, so please don't be offended if I don't notice you right away. (And please don't friend me if you're only going to drop me a week later if you don't get comments. You'll only succeed in confusing and annoying me.)