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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

wEll, whAt cAn i sAy?! uhHhhHm? I'm a heCk of a cOol peRson. at fiRst yOu miGht fiNd mE snOb bUt aS sOon aS yOu knOw Me, yOu'll prOve yOursElf wrOng. I'm a vEry extrOvErt thAt's wHy I'm eaSy tO gO wiTh. sOme of my friEnds thiNk thAt i'm the epitOmy of FUN... aNd i alWays hAve endlEss cOnversAtions abOut anYthiNg... yEs, anYthiNg unDer tHe sUn (thAt is, if Im in tHe MoOd).i’m fUn tO be with aS I hAve a gReat senSe of humOr (whiCh I thiNk I gOt frOm my dAd).. i lOve tO maKe peOple lauGh by craCking tHe fuNnieSt aNd siLLiest jOkes.. hahaha!! whAt elSe???... i’m a tYpicAl teEnagEr whO iS faScinatEd wiTh the simPleSt thiNgs liKe the latEst crAze in faShion, muSic aNd mOvieS..i LOve wAtchiNg lifEstyLe nEtwOrk sO i cAn be upDated of whAt's hOt and nOt... i lOve dRessiNg uP tO shOw my indiVidUalitY...asiDe frOm thAt, i LOve taLkin diRty...lolz! dAmn! i thiNk thAt's tOo mUch...pEace oUt y'aLL...ciaO!!!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i liKe tO meet fwEndz... bUt iF uR a backStaBber... bOunce ofF bitCh, u beTTah sTay OuT oFf mah Face! oUt oFf mAh fAce aYt? i liKe cOoL and thOse wHo haVe aN attituDe! i hAte bOring aNd stUpid cReatures!!! bUt Im veRy fRienDly nAman eH! juSt dOnt meSs wIth mE up, u peEpz aiNt knOw mE...i cAn be biTchy aNd an eViL whORe tOo!... weLL anYwaY jUst adD me uP... [email protected]

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