MySpaceModels profile picture


Myspace Beauties & Bodies!

About Me

Welcome to the Official Myspace Beauties, Bodies, & Models page. This page is New & will be going under construction! This page was created to allow women & men that are inspired models, actors/actresses, come one step closer to photographers and other valuable industry connections. The way that this page will work is: people can select to be friends to this page & every other week the top 8 friends will change on the page! This will allow those people a better chance to be seen! The pictures can & will not be used for anything but this page plus will have to have the consent of the original picture holder. If you have any questions, concerns, or pictures that you would like on this page please send them here or to [email protected] or contact Tom.If you are petite, plus size, muscular, or athletic this page has a place for you & your picture!
Models are here!!! [email protected] , Take A look! other Layouts!
Want to add a MyspaceModel banner to your page to inspire more models to come...
Make 1 here!!!