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About Me

The three members of Vishravas in the mid 90s were originally in a group from Eugene Oregon called Mythic Sky. This band had fourth member who played Celtic Harp. Mythic Sky played around at local venues and main stage a couple of years at the prestigious Oregon Country Fair and opened twice for Tempest Magna Carta recording artists. Unfortunately we were like square pegs being forced into round holes attempting to play Celtic Rock. Peter Thomas was a trained classical guitarist and experimental electronic keyboardist. The harpist decided to embark on a solo career and the two other members of the band talked Peter into picking up an electric guitar. Once he was started down that path there was no turning back. Bruce Lawrence drums and percussion originally was from the southern California LA area where he grew up playing mostly 70s rock. Bruce relocated to Eugene and quickly became immersed in the local music scene performing with many rock and pop acts. Dennis Pearman got his start playing 60s British invasion music during the end of the 60s and into the 70s. He was then captivated by the second British Invasion with the Progressive bands like King Crimson, Yes, Genesis, Gentle Giant and PFM. Dennis after playing in a 3 piece ELP style band answered and ad in the BAM magazine and became a member of Paradox in Santa Cruz and then was one of the founding members of Elfhouse in the South Bay Area.Mythic Sky dissolved and Vishravas arrived and they entered their wood shedding period literally. Bruce lived in Leaburg Oregon and they setup shop in his wood shed and started to develop the Vishravas sound. Combining Progressive, Experimental, Jam, Freestyle, Jazz, Classical and of course Rock influences in their development. After eight years of developing and performing Vishravas has arrived at music of uncompromising originality and continue to bring whats inside out.

My Interests


Member Since: 25/05/2006
Band Members: Bruce Lawrence: Drums and Percussion Dennis Pearman: Acoustic and Electric Bass, 2nd guitar, Keybords and engineering Peter Thomas: Electric Guitar, Classical Guitar and Keyboards
Influences: King Crimson, Umphreys McGee, Yes, Gentle Giant, Weather Report, Talking Heads, Bob Dylan, Beatles, Chick Corea, Captain Beyond, Massive Attack, and this is just the tip of the ice berg. We all individually have many more performers and composers we have been influenced by from Classical to Avant Garde.
Sounds Like: Uncompromisingly original.
Record Label: Rabbit Hole Records
Type of Label: Indie

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