Nulladik Változat :: 1992 (MC)
A bolyongás évei :: 1993 (MC)
Metropolisz-tánc :: 1994 (MC)
Négy :: 1996 (MC)
Élõ /koncert- és kiadatlan felvételek/ :: 1997 (MC)
Csendkapu :: 1998 (MC)
Játékok könyve :: 1999 (CD)
Murmuc :: 2001 (MC&CD)
Kezdodo kép :: videoklipek és koncertfelvételek (VHS)
Retro :: 2005 (CD)
Dark Boat Party :: A38 Live (DVD)
Retro+ :: 2006 (CD)
NULLADIK VÃLTOZAT (Number Zero Version)
The music of Number Zero Version is one of the most interesting Hungarian alternative trial, which takes back to the eighties. They could withdrew from the "Great Ancestors" ..s line: The Cure, Joy Divisoin, U2 by now. Their unique sounds reflect intensive musical work: assymetry, counterpoint and guitar-noise music (2 guitars: Fenes..s and Péter Szuhaj..s ) often 4/4 arrangement. The drums work sharply , the bass gives us excellent run. Tibor Fenes emphasis on suggestive show by his original voice. His main achievment is his text writing, which is the best lyre in ..rock.. both in form and context. The topic is not happy at all-meditating of human life, everyday (and magic) things, which have historic and philosophical base. If everything is true, we can meet composition expressing the four musicians.. unique approach and one-one personality dominance (work).Metropolisz-tánc
Betty The Velvetblue