Antiques, hot flashes, mood swings, Coleus, the identity of Jack the Ripper, Fila Brasileiro's, medical deformities, the Victorian era, Palau, the Tower of London, the Rapture, Geology, coconut rum, betelnut, the thought process of my 14 year old son :)
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JESUS CHRIST....everyone else will fall into place.
If it carries a tune...i'll listen!!
Beloved, The Passion Of The Christ, Signs, The Professional, To Dance With The White Dog, Napoleon Dynamite, United 93, A Trip To Bountiful, Woman Thou Art Loosed, To Kill A Mockingbird...
House, Dirty Jobs, All In The Family/The Jefferson's reruns, City Confidential, The Dog Whisperer, To Catch A Predator, anything on A&E...
The Secret Life of Bees, Slammerkin, John Hagee books, Unveiled, Because They Hate, The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, The Joy Luck Club, Infidel, The Queen's Bastard, Zenobia...and of course, my field manual for life...the Bible.