LoVeS tO rOcK !!! We hAvE OuR WoRriEs,We hAvE oUr FeArs,We Kip iT oL iNsiDe & FigHt BaCk ThE teArs..But wE MusT rEmEmbEr LifE iSn'T fOr uS aLonE 2 BeaR...wE hAvE FRIENDS wHo ReALLy CareS.....
Loves to play the guitar and can sing as well.
......but not that good! he!3
I'm stuck in a band (AKUZMA) w/ my cousins
and friends..We just simply
Play and enjoy...nothin serious..
GUITAR: weapon of choice used in expressing ones feelings.
The best buddy anyone could ever have.
as I value LIFE . . .I'm also the type of person that dont think things through.
I just do and solve thin's when they pop in there.
Because I believe that everything has an answer.
Thats why I dont think much on what's Happening in my life.
I just try to assure & apply 3 things,LIVE,LEARN & ACCEPT.
To make everything easy for me.... =)
Let go and let LIFE go as it will.............
In the darkness I can see light
Light that will always shine...