MUSIC MUSIC MUSIC!!!!!.. cuttin' hair, dying hair, shaving hair (including mine), my awesome friends, shows, Montreal, the country, beer, food, the environment, body modification, workin out, vegetarianism, the slow yet steady process of the deterioration of our planet.. and you know.. life.
Real people who aren't complete morons... and anyone with anything interesting to say.
My drug of choice. Punk Rock, Oi!, Psychobilly, Rock'n Roll, Reggae, Ska, Rockabilly, some Metal, Jazz, Blues, Funk... give me all of it !!!! (Just don't turn on the radio)
any movie that physically makes me feel differently about myself or life in general. also, ones with zombies and other undead creatures in it. obviously... it's trendy!
Anything I can learn something useful from. so not much.
Once again, anything educational but I love True Crime books, poetry and anything about the human body.
My big sister Stef. And passionate people, whatever they may hold a passion for.