Every day the world seems to be going downhill and most people notice that and get worried about what will happens next. They think some places are better than others but theyre really not. The only difference is the risks may be higher. But why does it matter? The point is to face the facts and realize there is no avoiding certain things. Live life in the way you think is the most fun. Never do anything you dont want to do, cause in the end it doesnt help you in anyway. Why would you suffer through your whole life for no reward. I know that its not good to be greedy, but depending on how you look at it your really not. How is helping yourself to make life fun and the way you want it to be a bad thing? You cant hide the truth and once you realize you have to deal with it. Dont be afraid to make your own choices do what you think is best. Theres no right or wrong way to live. Its all based on your opinion not what anyone else says. Im saying this because its what i believe is a good way to make everything less complicated. Its how i live and so far its been real good. Im not affected by what people say and what they do. Im not saying i dont care about anything im saying that mental emotions that dont need to be there are easiest to be dealt with by only hearing what you wanna hear. If you wanna live by the same guidelines go ahead. Im not saying everyone does. Most people may see the world in a completly different way. Dont worry about the future, play it out as it goes along and youll be fine. Just whatever you do stay true to yourself
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chek out the video bitches :) damarcus recording with a KRZR :)