Nothing- I'm Completely boring and bland- Grey trim on Grey walls.
Someone with a little Sanity...
With somewhat honesty I can say I love all forms of music ranging from ancient reed flute to orchestra to heavy metal to rap to even the very very very occasional good country song~ my favorite bands are Greenday, Sublime, Sum 41, System of a Down,and Hoobastank.
The Dark Crystal, Legend, Monty Pyton and the Holy Grail, History of the World Part 1, Space Balls, Casino, The Godfather Part 1-3, Blow, Pirates of the Caribean, Lawrence of Arabia, Ben-Hur, Kingdom of Heaven, Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Predator, The Last Action Hero, Indiana Johns (all three), Star Wars (The old ones), The Breakest Club, Trading Places, Coming to America, Canadian Bacon, Planes Trains and Automobiles, Batman And Batman Begins, Sin City, Lord of the Rings (all three), The Hobbit, and many more that require hours of consideration just to make the list~
Hmm whats this? ~ okay maybe a few things such as Robot Chicken, Venture Brothers, and the occasional movie
Lord of the Rings, War of the Worlds, Anything by John Steinback, Game of Thrones series by George R R Martain, The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, The Real Story, Space Odesesy 2001, and a few more I cant sum up into less then a million words~
Harrison Ford, Conan, Mario, Rudi Gernreich (credited with inventing the Thong) And Gandhi (by popular recommendation.