Da NickSter profile picture

Da NickSter

Ho No Da Compootah Brok Ahgeen

About Me

The finished product of our first flash project edited thru iMovie to add the background music, along with the extended end credits (I was sick and bored).

I've been having some fun with Flash...
Here's a logo I've been working on, with some added touch.
MORE BLOOD! and a replay button so you can see the toon get shot again..
.. and again...

Create your own Friend Quiz here

My Interests

Taking over the world...

I'd like to meet:



Rock and Roll
Create Your Own PaloozaHead - Visit Lollapalooza.com


Comedy and action... and every now and then a lil' horror...


VH1, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, BET, MTv


Reading for dummies.


Matt Hughes (UFC), Flea (Red Hot Chili Peppers), Tsuchiya (Drift King), and King Koopa

My Blog

La Familia / Flash Projecto

Ho boy... can't wait till this summer where I get to spend some time with my fav' cousins from FL, you know who basturds are.. Get to get with some fam round here and it'll be just like the old days.....
Posted by Da NickSter on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:51:00 PST


So...... what to write... what to write...Guess I could open myself up, since I try to keep myself a mystery to others...SO! WHO IS THE REAL NICK?....you tell meBut anyways, that's not the reason why ...
Posted by Da NickSter on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 12:00:00 PST