Cars, Robotics, Hokie Football, EuroModder
Punk, Indie, Hip Hop, Rap, R&B, Rock, 70's, 80's, Reggae, Classical, Big Band, Country, when it comes down to it I listen to just about everything depending on my mood and the setting.
Billy Madison, Wet Hot American Summer, Happy Gilmore, Snatch, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Old School, Wedding Crashers, Transformers, The Departed
Cartoons, Football, Stand Up Comedy, 24, Heroes, CSI, The Office, Heroes, Ultimate Factories
Fahrenheit 451, The Da Vinci Code, Angels and Demons, R is for Rocket, Catch 22
My mother and my father, who alothough were apart did their best to raise me on the means they had, for that I shall ever be grateful.