Danni* profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

welcome to my life...there's a lot of coffee, school, work, alcohol and people. i'm friendly but i border on oboxious at times. most times. leave it alone... i love music and movies and chinese food... so that's me in a nutshell. think what you will
Danielle --

Insatiable to the point of crazy

'How will you be defined in the sexual dictionary?' at QuizUniverse.com MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

.."comic sans"an unusual person who makes me feel kind of... unusual. (christian slater -pump up the volume)

..center.."comic sans" Here's to friends and family
Here's to feelings you can't fight
Here's to comfort that you find
Here's to sleeping through the night
(The Jealous Sound)
And this is who makes me pretty damn happy!
and to see pictures of those i've already meet....and possibly snapshots of my adventures, check it out : Danni's Pictures....you know you want to!


Who's in my car right now - in no particular order:
PHOENIX,SayAnything,BoysNightOut, BoySetsFire, KidDynamatie, TakingBackSunday, FrouFrou, Dido, TheDoors, LedZepplin, AshleySimpson, HawthorneHeights, AThornForEveryHeart, H20, Grade, Weezer, Jack'sMannequin, PlainWhiteT's, Pennywise, LessThanJake, Eve6, Everclear, MyChemicalRomance, Panic!atTheDisco, NewFoundGlory, SuicideMachines, Nerd, ReggieAndTheFullEffect, Offspring, HotHotHeat, SugarCult, Sinclaire, CoheedAndCambria, BouncingSouls, GoodRiddance, YellowCard, NOFX, Lifetime, DavidBowie, StylesP, NoDoubt, GetUpKids, JuneSpirit,Rufio, OperationIvy, DashboardConfessional, FionaApple, Lagwagon, LostProphets, StabbingWestWard, EconolineCrush, OurLadyofPeace, Millencolin, Blink182...that's all I can remember at the moment and I doubt I'll update this


This is my MUST SEE list... Love Me if You Dare: it's French but fuckin amazing... MirrorMask - a "Labyrinth" for a new generation... The One the Only...Labyrinth! Closer - about more than just sex and had amazing relations between the characters! SLC Punk - what movie challenged nerd would dare not like this movie?


Yeah, I watch Degrassi.... so what? Don't judge me!(If you know anything about me, you know I say FUCK SHOES!)



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My Blog

in a computer lab far far away

listening to "rodeo clowns" by jack johnson oh my god. this is killing me. i have like another hour and half before my last class. jesus - i either have 10 assignments to work on or ZILCH. it doesn't ...
Posted by Danni* on Thu, 11 Oct 2007 11:08:00 PST

yeah, i remember, you told me 3x drunk last night

listening to "can't stand losing you" by the police hey there i'm going to the poconos for a week at the end of the month. its my first vacation since august - COUNTDOWN ENGAGED. very excited. me and ...
Posted by Danni* on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 02:11:00 PST

why do we have to wear pants?! (an update/rant)

listening to "rasberry berret" by prince my life is trying really really hard to unravel.  (my family is falling apart, tom's been in and out of the hospitol since i last posted, i'm not going ba...
Posted by Danni* on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 04:07:00 PST

are you related to katie holmes?

listening to "here, there and everywhere" by the beatles   ((by the way - everyone should check out Revolved  to listen to some fuckin crazy and awesome remixes of some Beatles songs!!!...
Posted by Danni* on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 05:17:00 PST

you do tank tops justice

listening to "i want you" by marvin gaye yeah so the last couple weeks have lead to a shift in things. and its pretty awesome, surprisingly. i mean, i'm pretty sure the "i told you so's" will start ro...
Posted by Danni* on Mon, 28 Aug 2006 11:16:00 PST

a moment of clarity through the haze

listening to "crying" by sugarcult it happened to me today. "let me love you" by mario was on the radio. i felt dangerously close to tears. and it hit me. ever think of a new car as a new skin? to hel...
Posted by Danni* on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 08:49:00 PST

you've got so many problems, over there lounging in the passenger seat, don't you?

listening to "give it up to me" by sean paul i can't help it. i fall in love with every song this guy puts out. they always make me want to go dancing. which i do soon. note my new song "crowded" by j...
Posted by Danni* on Fri, 11 Aug 2006 06:41:00 PST

He's just a cheese-loving moon man, eh?

listening to "too young" by phoenix by the way. Phoenix is now my favorite band. i seriously think my addiction might be a problem. who wants to go with me Aug 5th to see them at the Troc?! i'm excite...
Posted by Danni* on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 08:17:00 PST

and stop touching her feet!! its uncalled for.

listening to "bet you look good on the dancefloor" by the arctic monkeys i've have a headache for two days :-( yesterday i got a really horrible migraine and called out of work. after curled up half i...
Posted by Danni* on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 10:27:00 PST

isn't this how gilligan's island started?

listening to "this year's love" by david grey alright i'm going to start off by stating i'm fucking baked out of my skull. you've been warned. what have i been up to? (is what i'm sure you, as the aud...
Posted by Danni* on Wed, 21 Jun 2006 09:38:00 PST