@~*SO DAMN REAL WIT IT*~@{~:yall niggas betta cum correct cuz dat 30/30 will leave yo az wit a dirty jersey~:} (((Shitty az attitudes keep shit on smash)))(((Yea IMA be livin like dis soon))) ((((((?ME AND STOKES TAKIN THAT MILLION DOLLAR PIC?))))))
Name: Name: Dee
Here For:Friends
: Favorite Song:Here i am feat.Rickross
Movie:Pursuit of happiness
Color:Black{~*Ask about me~*}Im anti social dnt fck wit non of yall niggas..:~*}
About Me
Why is it, to find ourselves,
sometimes we have to lose ourselves?
I've asked myself a million times,
how things got so bad,
and one answer I have come up with
is that we let other things cloud our judgement
and we lose sight of what we were reaching for
and then we only focus on the bad.
They say sometimes in life our bad experiences
tend to make us leary of any good experiences
that we may encounter afterwards.
So we always expect the worse
and happiness is something we can't seem to grasp.
I can definitely relate because that
is what I have allowed to happen in the past.
They say you must find the problem,
and try to understand it
before you find a solution.
I must say that even though I have found the problem
and am now solving it, I still hurt you.
It doesn't change the pain that I have caused the people that
I love the most in my life.
I can't undo any of the wrong that I did
but I do know now that the future is mine
to do with as I please and I plan to show the people I love
that I appreciate them and that I am blessed to have them in my life.
My children and the person I choose to spend my life with should know without a doubt that I am there for them and that I cherish every moment spent with them.
I know that life isn't always filled with happy times,
we have to face the bad times in our life just as we would any other,
Life is what we make it and I plan to make mine a very happy and healthy one.
I do regret that It took months of having my life out of control
and losing someone I loved so dearly to make me realize
that I needed to dig deep and find the problem within myself instead of looking for the problem in those around me.
(((Shitty az attitudes keep shit on smash)))
((((((My sis kia~a.k.a.~peavy))))))
((((((My bro tyron~a.k.a.~Ofide))))))
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Comment: Hey!!(((Bros)))((((Some of my peeps from lakeland))) (((ME and Kia doin it big fuh da 07))) {{{{Dis jst sum of my jewels}}}} ((((Fuck all yalll))) ((((((My sis kia~a.k.a.~peavy)))))) ((((((My bro tyron~a.k.a.~Ofide)))))) ((((NISHA SEXY AZZ)))
((((Me and my bro))) Crackers playin' a dirty game boy this shit wild)))))
?????That one of a kind myspace pic ya dig?????