Medicine Music and Money
Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results
Sociability ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 95%
Aggressiveness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 95%
Assertiveness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 96%
Activity Level ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 97%
Excitement-Seeking |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 88%
Enthusiasm |||||||||||||||||| 60%
Extroversion |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 88%
Trust |||||||||||||||||| 56%
Morality |||||||||||| 40%
Altruism |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Cooperation |||||||||||||||||| 51%
Modesty |||||||||||||||||| 57%
Sympathy ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 93%
Accommodation ||||||||||||||||||||| 64%
Confidence ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 94%
Neatness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 97%
Dutifulness ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 95%
Achievement ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 96%
Self-Discipline ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 99%
Cautiousness |||||||||||||||||| 52%
Orderliness |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 88%
Anxiety |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 87%
Volatility |||||||||||| 40%
Depression |||||||||||| 35%
Self-Consciousness |||||||||||||||||| 52%
Impulsiveness ||| 8%
Vulnerability ||||||||||||||| 47%
Emotional Stability |||||||||||||||||| 56%
Imagination ||| 7%
Artistic Interests |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Introspection |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 81%
Adventurousness |||||||||||||||||||||||| 80%
Intellect |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 88%
Liberalism ||||||||| 30%
Openmindedness ||||||||||||||||||||| 62% Take Free Advanced Big 30 Personality Test
personality tests by
When its all said and done, I'd like to meet Jesus.While I'm here, I'd like to meet people who are actually conscious of what is going on in this world, and willing to separate themselves from the stereotypes and social norms and just be what they are. If you are one of those people then you will understand what I say next...if not, you'll just click off my page and forget about me.........................I don't like the direction our culture, generation, and people are accepting. Even in our music (which I love so much) today, its seems like a submission to the idea of the of worldly importance. SEX, I like it, but I refuse to indulge in it until it sends me to hell.MONEY, the definate root of all evil, like having it, but $2,000 for some rims, when I want to send my future kids to college...Stupid ( I don't hate if you got it like that, then do the damn thing...but if you just trying to keep up, I'm not trying to meet you ).And finally, DISRESPECT, now its cool if I cuss you out, or use you, or play you like a sucker, or end your life...are you serious? If you want to learn to appreciate the life we have here I'd advise you to go visit Cuba...
True Hip Hop - Dancehall - Conscious Reggae - Neo-Soul
Scarface, Menace To Society, and Harlem Nights
Prison Break
The Entire Left Behind Series....It will definately wake you up! - The Malcolm X Autobiography
Jesus (in a class of his own) - Malcolm X - Che Guevera