Jennifer profile picture


If you always do as you've always'll always get what you got

About Me

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My Interests

running, shopping, friends and family

(001) Your gender: gurl
(002) Straight/gay/bi?: straight
(003) Single?: Married
(004) Want to be?: Practitioner
(005) Age?: 24 "damn"
(006) Age you wish you were?: 16
(007) Your label?: umm....dunno
(008) Your height?: short
(009) Your eye color?: brown eye gurl
(010) Any piercings?: yep 4
(011) Any tattoos?: naw
(012) Smoke: no
(013) Drink: ocasionally
(014) Do drugs: noope
(015) Read the newspaper: only on sunday
(016) Talk to strangers who IM you: not really
(017) Like to walk in the leaves: yea their crunchy
(018) Take walks in the rain: no
(019) Drive: of course
(020) Like to drive fast?: yea, I like racein
(021) Hurt yourself: yea, I'm pretty clumbsy
(022) Have a job: yep, but I hate it
(023) Like who you are: sometimes
(024) Consider love a mistake: nope, I just love to much
(025) Base your judgement on looks alone: average
(026) Do you like/love someone?: of course
(027) Been caught doing some thing your weren't supposed to be doing?: duh
(028) Been in love: yes
(029) Done drugs: everyday with my multivitamine
(030) Gone skinny dipping: many times
(031) Had a surgery: yep
(032) Ran away from home: and far
(033) Played strip poker: yea but I quit
(034) Gotten beat up: yea
(035) Been on stage: many times
(036) Slept outdoors: we use to go campinn all the time when I was lil
(037) Pulled an all-nighter: yep
(038) Talked on the phone all night: ever been a teen in love
(039) Had an X-ray: yea
(040) Had detention: yep
(041) Been suspended: yep I was naughty
(042) Been Expelled: almost
(043) Slept all day: all the time
(044) Killed someone: umm.... no
(045) Made out with a stranger: n/a
(046) Had sex with a stranger?: no
(047) Kissed the same sex: yep
(048) Done anything sexual with the same sex? no
(049) Been betrayed: by pretty much everyone
(050) Broken the law: yes
(051) Been arrested: yes
(052) Been on radio/TV: yep
(053) Been in a mosh-pit: yep that hurt
(054) Had a nervous breakdown: oh yea
(055) Been criticized about your sexual performance: no way
(056) Had a dream that kept coming back: still do
(057) Seen your favorite band play: nope but anyone with maddona tickets send them my way
(058) Owned a pair of big sunglasses: of course I do
(059) Worn a huge hat: yep
(060) Judged other people by their clothing: well yea
(061) Been told you have good taste: but of course
(062) Been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: no
(063) Been used?: sure have
(064) Been in an abusive relationship?: yep
(065) Life on other planets: we can't be the only ones
(066) Miracles: seen them
(067) Astrology: yes
(068) Magic: not card tricks but I do belive witchery
(069) God: well.....
(070) The Devil: no
(071) True Love: oh yea got it
(072) Ghosts: seen em
(073) Rebirth: absolutly
(074) Love at first sight: yes
(075) Ying and Yang?: yep
(076) Witches: yep
(077) The Easter Bunny: he always brings me candy
(078) Santa Clause: that fat bastard forgot me
(079) That you laughed at: chucky poo
(080) That laughed at you: my sis
(081) That hurt you: a friend
(081) That turned you on: my honey
(082) That kissed you: my honey
(083) That hugged you: my honey
(084) That you went shopping with : my honey
(085) To disappoint you: don't wanna say
(086) That made you cry: I do that to myself
(087) That brightened up your day: my honey
(088) You saw a movie with: my honey
(089) You talked to on the phone: chucky poo
(090) You talked to on text message: my lil bro grant
(091) You to on IM: ....can't remember
(092) That made you smile: my sis
(093) That made you laugh: chuck
(094) That saw you cry: my honey
(095) That bought you something: me
(096) That danced with you: ummm....
(097) That you have a crush on: vin desil
The Whats...
(098) What do you find romantic?: just makin me feel like important
(099) What are your turn-on's?: cuddlin
(100) What are your turn-off's?: how men are proud of bodily functions "gross"
(101) What is best about the opposite sex?: feelin safe
(102) What is best about the same sex?: talkin
(103) What is the last present someone got you?: a cd
(104) What makes you happy?: my family
(105) What is your B-day?: December 4th
(106) What is your favorite movie?: Dirty dancing is awsome
(107) What is your favorite band?: maddona
(108) What is your favorite type of movie?: blood a gore
(109) What is your favorite season?: spring time is beatiful
(110) What is your favorite month?: July the nights are awsome
(111) What is your favorite Holiday?: I don't know
(112) What is your favorite language?: umm..
(113) What is your favorite thing to do?: work out
(114) What is your favorite color(s)?: pretty pretty pink
The Who's...
(115) Your best friend(s): chuck
(116) The one person you can trust with any thing?: my husband
(117) Your favorite singer?: maddona
(118) Your favorite Actor?: Tom Hanks is always good
(119) Your favorite Actress?: Julie Roberts
(120) Your favorite President?: not really in to all that
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I love dance and trance, R&b, slow jams, pretty much everything but polka


Dirty dancing and wizard of oz are my fav.


Always like E.R. but really don't watch much t.v.


Cosmo and Lucky "if that counts"


I am my own hero