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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

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The hockey player survey
How old are you? 18
What kind of skates do you wear? ccm
How long have you played hockey? 15 years
Do you know what a gongshow is? yes
Do you chew tobacco? yes
Have you ever dropped your gloves? no
Have you or do you play junior hockey? (The stepping stone to pro) no
Have you seen Mystery Alaska more than once? yes
Have you ever had relations with a puck slut? no
Are you good enough to play in the NHL? hell no
Were you drafted? no
Do you know what "the Michigan" is? no
Can you do "the Michigan?" no
Who is Sidney Crosby? a great canadien hockey plaer
What team do you play for? Como Park
What league do you play in? MNJHL
What number do you wear? 25
Who is your favorite hockey player? Gordy Howe
How many days a week do you play hockey? 5
What type of player are you? beast
Is it true that hockey players are one of a kind? yes
Whats a lipper? A chew of course
Ever had a broken nose? no
Whats the best thing about being a hockey player? hitting people
Are you canadian? no
Whats better? Skoal or Copenhagen? cope
Do you like the new NHL rules? most of them
Do you wear a cage or visor? cage
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I love chawskers, brewskis, driving around and hagin with friends, and of course eating.

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Which American Pie Character Are You?
Well you’re Stifler. You’re the guy that everyman wants to be, not because you have laid many women, but because you done so while treating them like garbage. You are a former jock, and are known for your asshole type of attitude. But you take your pride in how women you have laid.

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