Id like to meet intelligent people, so I can pick there brains and pretend I'm intelligent as well. -Boyd Tinsley-Conan -Elvis Costello- I'd like to meet anyone who is passionate about something. Anything. Passion is an energetic tool. Every significant act in the worlds 6000 year history was a result of someones passion. I like to have fun and make stupid videos with my phone. I'd like to meet musicians, cause the are stinkin' cool. I'd like to meet anyone who has ever felt red and blue swirls spin from there feet to there head,(pink and purple is o.k. too) and been squeezed by a warm sound with there eyes opened. I am an artist. I'd like to meet artists as well. Even if your art is stupid to the world, If it is yours... Your in!! I'd like to meet open minded people who are not all stuffed with the "Spirit or religion". I'd like to meet someone who teaches violin!lol! DO YOU?I want to meet people who see the world with their eyes OPEN! as in, those who share the knowledge of Jesus Christ- And those who know of the truth, in terms of governmental manipulation and conquest! CFR, Illuminati, Trilateral Commission, & their relationships to the prophesies in the book of John.-- If These Groups are foreign to you, Than maybe YOU would like to meet ME!I am also looking for BOB WALDRON from Chino. If you know where he is.... Send him to my space!!! Oh, and did I say Conan O'Brien? WORD!