Music,Dums,Money,H.R.GIGER The best artist in the wourld
My family in germany to see if they like beer.
Everything Metal And RockSlIp kNoT, FoO fIgHtErS, StOnE SoUr, SyStEm oF A DoWn, NiRvAnA, lInCoN PaRk,DiStUrBeD,GoOd NiGhT nUrSe, vElVeT ReVoLvEr, pEaRl JaM, oFf sPrInG, pApA rOaCh, rAmStEiN, SiLiVeR, DrEaM ThEaTeR, Q.o.T.s.A.,RoB zOmBiE,StAtIc X,iRoN MaIdEn,lImP bIzKiT,WeDnEsDaY 13,RoAd rUnEr UnItEd,kIlL SwItCh N-gAgE,HeLlOwEeN,AnD lOaDs MoRe
Donie Darko, The Warriors,Harold And Kumar Get The Munchies,All Horor Films,Snatch,And JaY aNd SiLeNt BoB sTrIcK bAcK ClUrKs 1 AnD 2 dOMa mAlLrAS ChAsInG AmY
Some crazy guy runin into a fast food outlet standin on the table shouting then droping his trousers n cuting of his penus with a kitchen knife.
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My mum and Music