Check out my real website It's a work in progress at this point so bring your hard hat.
Does anyone even know what to put here without sounding egotistical?!?!?
If I had to describe myself with one word it would be easygoing. I try not to sweat the small stuff in life. I would say I'm pretty easy to get along with because of that. I'm not the type of person that has to get their way all the time and I'm usually pretty accomodating to others. Not that I don't let my opinion be known and stand up for the things that I truly want. I can be really stubborn when it comes to the things that are truly important to me.
If you want to know more about me check out the area to the left. Still not enough? Send me a message. Do not send me an add request without talking to me first. I'm not on a quest to get the most "friends" on my space. The people on my friends list are all people I know and the majority of them are people I see on a regular basis. So until I know you I will not add you as one of my friends.