I went to a quiz night recently where my colleagues chose 'hacked off' as our team name - a horrendous pun surely not befiting of us highly credible journalists...
I like to think that I'm not yet hacked off, being just a year and a half into the job. And overall journalism is a good excuse to be nosey - much like myspace - which is why I like it.
I also love art and music and all that malarkey, particularly the Decemberists and now the Guillemots - lovely bit of sea shanty/circus music/guitar/synth/mayhem.
I love looking at artwork in galleries too. I studied art at university but the truth is, I'm not that good, so its good to appreciate artists who are better than me.
I love travel and living abroad. I studied in NYC for 4 months and lived in Japan for a year as an assistant English language teacher. Arriving in a tiny town with 50 people waiting and being presented with a bouquet of flowers when I couldn't speak a word of Japanese was among the scariest moments of my life (closely followed by a near plane-crash when landing in Manchester airport in stormy weather).
But Japan was an amazing and crazy experience, completely unlike anything else I've done or could imagine. And it gave me the money and opportunity to really travel around Japan - from Hokkaido to Kyushu and most places in between - ski for the first time, swim in the sea with phosphorescents at 1am, go to Thailand, Singapore and Malaysia, and get the travel bug - shortly before settling into a stable job in Manchester. But Manchester is very good, I like it here.
Me and Si did a parachute jump on Friday the 13th and it was a perfect day for it - no lightning struck us down from the sky, the parachute opened and it was lovely and sunny!We had to wait around for quite a while but surprisingly we didn't get very nervous. And in the plane, with Si sat on his instructor's knee, shouting lewd comments took our minds off any impending doom.Check out the vid, I never knew I had such an elastic face!
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