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My namE is pEter.. dOnt miNd thE peTra thIng aBovE.. mY frIenDz LovE to CaLL mE thAt wAy... wahehehe Im a siMple pErsOn.. sAbi niLa MaLdiTa dAw aQ.. huHu.. aNy..waYz.. itS trUe nAman.. jOkezzz.. waHehe.. mAbait Aq.. prOmisE.. hehehehe... fRiEndLy.. 5'6 aNg hEight.. cuTe dAw... dBa.... wAhehehe.. jOkez.. i Love To DanCe... aLL tyPes of dAncE... inCludiNg "diRty...nAsty..DanciNg" jOkezzzz... hehehehehehehe im A pErsOn wiTh sUperNatuRaL pOweRs.. wahehehe.. HoPing to Be a SuPer Hero sUmdAy...(neVer) wHehehehe... i Love to sIng... wiTh a VoiCe thAt cAn LaUncH a ThoUsaNd sHip... jOkezzz... (a VoiCe thAt caN brEak miRrors...maYbe) wahehehehe .... bAsta... aDD nYo LaNg aQ... i'LL wait 4 yOu... heheheheheMyspace Layouts by