miss penny lane<3 profile picture

miss penny lane<3

it's all happening;)

About Me

i've made a decision. i'm going to live in morocco, for one year. i need a new crowd. do you wanna come? ;)
i'm almost famous.

i'm an aspiring actress.. singer.. rockstar.. ;)
i can feel me leaving who i used to be as we're driving into hollywood...
i have a flair for the dramatic. ;)
i'm all about extremes.
i love performance, champagne, and lavish attention. ;) and more than anything.. i love my baby.
i want to move to hawaii.there's no story.. it's just people.. gestures.. moments.. bits of rapture.. fleeting emotions.. in short.. the greatest story ever told.. and the story goes on and on and on and on..
it's a place apart from the vast.. benign.. lap of america like us, they were outsiders. they were so outside, they're inside, and insiders never even knew it, because they're outsiders and they are inside a place outsiders will never be. wait, why are we even talking about it? if you're really an insider, you're never gonna say it;)
we're all old souls here. ;)
i listen to the wind of my soul...i let my music take me where my heart wants to go.
each note sounds so pure it just cuts into her and then the melody comes pouring out her eyes.. now to me everything else (including this) just sounds like a lie.. i sat watching a flower as it was withering.. i was embarrassed by its honesty.. but i'd prefer to be remembered as a smiling face.. not this fucking wreck that's taken it's place.
if i could tame all my desires wait out the weather that howls in my brain cause it seems that it's always changing the wind's indecision the sorrowful rain.. and it only feels worse when i stay in one place so i'm always pacing around or i'm walking away.. we've got a problem with no solution but to love love love and to be loved..
i have a lover.. a lover like no other...... hold onto love.. love won't let you go.. (and love, what a different life had i not found this love with you)

life's a slippery slope.. regret's the steepest hill.. hope for the best.. plan for the worst.. and maybe wind up somewhere in the middle.. and i'm not saying that i know what i want.. but i know what i don't.. don't want to rot in my room.. and never know what could have been.. and believe what everyone else tells me is true..
i'm afraid we're losing the real virtues of living life passionately.. in the sense of taking a responsibility for who you are and the ability to make something of yourself.. your life is yours to create.. it's always our decision who we are..
why did you say you kissed the ground i walked on? you should have killed me instead.. i'm so tired.. i want to rest.. i'm the seagull.. no, that's not it.. i'm an actress.. he never believed in the theatre.. he laughed at all my little dreams and little by little i stopped believing in them too.. and then all the emotional stress, the jealousy.. i started getting petty.. depressed.. my acting grew emptier and emptier.. i didn't know what to do with my hands.. i didn't know how to carry myself onstage.. i couldn't control my voice.. you don't know what that's like to realize youre a terrible actress!!
i'm not like that anymore.. i'm a real actress now.. i enjoy acting.. i revel in it.. the stage intoxicates me.. when i'm up there i feel beautiful.. and these days.. being back here.. i feel my soul growing stronger.. and now i understand that in our art.. it's not being famous.. it's not the sound of applause.. the glamour.. it's not what i dreamed it was.. all it is is the strength to keep going.. no matter what happens.. to keep believing.. i believe and it helps.. and now when i think about my vocation.. my calling.. i'm not afraid of life..
so believe you're who you are.. and stay in character.. and at the end of the play the audience walks away.. and you'll be shivering cold on a well-lit stage..
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

this idea of two people meeting on a road.. and instead of just passing by they decide to accept the confontation of their souls some people are settling down... some people are settling... and some people refuse to settle for anything less... than butterflies.
* stardust in your eye * you're going somewhere and so am i *
that's why i'm singing don't worry cause now i've got your back.. and every time you feel like crying i'm gonna try and make you laugh.. and if i can't if it just hurts too bad then we'll wait for it to pass.. and i will keep you company through those days so long and black.. and we'll keep working on the problem we know we'll never solve of love's uneven remainders.. our lives are fractions of a whole.. but if the world could remain within a frame like a painting on a wall.. then i think we'd see the beauty there and stand staring in awe.. at our still lives posed.. like a bowl of oranges.. like a story told.. by the fault lines and the soil.. don't you have any regular friends? famous people are just more interesting;) what KIND of beer?


"music.. true music.. not just rock and roll.. IT CHOOSES YOU."

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"and one of these people is gonna save the world. and that means, rock & roll can save the world, all of us together." ("rock & roll can save the world? the chicks are great? i sound like a dick!!" "you are a dick.")
"and it's not about money or popularity.. although SOME MONEY would be nice! but rock & roll is a lifestyle and a way of thinking. it's a voice that says here i am, and FUCK YOU, if you can't understand me!"
"we. are not. groupies. this is penny lane man, show some respect. groupies.. sleep with rockstars cause they want to be near someone famous. we're here because of the music. we. are bandaids. we don't have intercourse with these guys! we inspire the music, we're here.. because.. of the music. she was the one who changed everything. she was the one who said.. no more sex. no more exploiting our bodies and our hearts. (right, right.) just blow jobs and that's it. it's allllll happening!" can you believe these new girls?! none of them use birth control, and they eat ALL THE STEAK! i mean they dont even know what it is.. to truly love.. some silly little piece of music.. or some band.. so much.. that it hurts.. and that's what great art is about! the guilt.. the longing.. love disguised as sex and sex disguised as love.. "you just have to remember that these guys are jealous.. insecure.. talented.. egocentric.. and manipulative geniuses.. they're lead singers! they can say 'i love you' to twenty thousand people.. but any fewer is a real problem." ;)



(disillusioned words like bullets bark as human gods aim for their mark and make everything from toy guns that spark to flesh-colored christs that glow in the dark (it's easy to see without looking too far that not much is really sacred...) advertising signs con you into thinking you're the one that can do what's never been done, that can win what's never been won, meanwhile life outside goes on all around you. you lose yourself, you reappear, you suddenly find you've got nothing to fear. alone you stand with nobody near when a trembling distant voice unclear startles your sleeping ear to hear that somebody really thinks they found you. a question in your nerves is lit yet you know there is no answer fit to satisfy you and ensure you not to quit, ensure you not to forget, that it is not he, or she, or them, or it, that you belong to)

My Blog

if i don't GET into my hotel room, and then TAKE a valium... ;)

colliiiiiiiiiiide (god damn trice) ;) champagne's my weakness.. no shit.. ;) each night it e...
Posted by miss penny lane<3 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

we've only been on the tour for five shows ! <3

Posted by miss penny lane<3 on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST